[EVENT] Empire Olympics

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. that would make it midnight...
  2. Thats 8:00 AM PST xD- September 1st 8:00 AM i coudnt do it- push it forwards 6 hours or make a new date please, if you can
  3. Can't change the date, I don't think. I've decided to just do the event on one day rather than just split it.
  4. Its tomorrow
  5. Darn it, sorry but I just can't make it.
    Good luck everyone.
    I just have to accept that being in Australia doesn't help
    me with EMC Events :(
  6. I can do it from now to the next 5 hours..
    then I can't do it...
  7. 4:00PM GMT work but some of my keys dont work :(
  8. I hav to copy and past almost all of my words
  9. Almost there
  10. Alright, the event is going to be held in 4 hours. I need everybody with a free timetable and we'll be testing out the server when it's up :)
  11. I can't go. Baseball tournament ALL day.
  12. :( I'm beginning to think about postponing the event. So many of the participants are away.
    MissMadison can't attend due to time zones.
    You can't attend because of a Baseball tournament.
    Albino is doing something today.
    AlexHallon is on holiday and Miguel is nowhere to be seen, which means we have a whole team without subs away :(
  13. I have a question.
  14. Anytime before the 5th would be good ;) And after the first
  15. I go back to school on the 6th
  16. Oh gawd. Event cancelled. I have to go out for school stuff now :(
  17. What? the olympics are not happening?
  18. They will be happening. Maybe tomorrow, or the day after. The map isn't ready either and I don't have the prizes. I have a day of shopping on the 5th and I go back to school on the 6th.
    IamSaj likes this.