[EVENT] EMC Birthday Big Event Part 2

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Happy 5th birthday Empire Minecraft!

    Part 3 (last) of the 2nd birthday event report

    Since I've covered the rest I figured that I couldn't ignore this one. The SMP which this was held on was 9 and the event teleport was, quite fittingly: /v birthday. Which was also the building site of the birthday cake, the dozens of chests filled with wool showed as much.

    And for those of you who now wonder (like Aya did) how there can be 2 player made birthday cakes on 2 servers (SMP9 & Utopia): Senior Staff know kung-fu, errr: Minecraft magic and can easily copy structures and residences to other places.

    After we did /v birthday on SMP9 we ended up near the community made birthday cake where a teleport sign allowed us to teleport inside (see picture above). And it became quickly clear what the event was about: a hole in one. Or, in more common terms: a dropper event. Just search Google for Minecraft dropper and you'll find plenty of custom maps. The idea is to jump down and somehow land safely.

    And in order to determine who got to jump Krysyy held an EMC trivia.

    Now... For anyone who feels that it was a bit unfair that no one managed to successfully finish the dropper: please keep in mind that the hole in one part was actually a bonus round. Everyone who answered a trivia question first won 10k rupees and was allowed to try the jump as bonus, something Krysyy explained here:

    Krysyy (on top of the podium) explains the rules of the event.

    Well... I already spoilered it a little bit I guess: no one actually made the jump. So who can we blame for all those splatter attempts? What diabolical minds gave us an impossible jump to do (on first attempt anyway)? Well, none other than....

    The EMC community itself! :D

    The dropper (hole in one) was actually none other than the top of the birthday cake! The same cake which the community had build themselves earlier this week :cool:

    Fair or not... I don't know but I do think it was a really fun and devious twist to the whole thing. Why oh why did no one add icing (spider web) to the top of the cake? :D

    So yeah, and this concludes my reports on the EMC birthday events!

    My Utopia reporter tells me that the Parkour perishing stairway to heaven still hasn't been breached yet (at the time of writing) and she now also demands a hazard fee because some players are now taking out their frustration on her :D

    As such this is the end of my report before I go completely bankrupt :D
    BlinkyBinky and Vizsco like this.
  2. Well, congrats to SUPERI0N for finally beating the parkour. I'm gonna go sulk now. :(

    There's always next year... :(
    SUPERI0N, Rhyblet, Kippy159 and 5 others like this.
  3. It's about time someone beat that nightmare.
    SUPERI0N, jossytheninja and TBird1128 like this.
  4. Now we can finally put this event in the wiki archives and then solemnly swear that we'll never speak of this torturous period ever again :D
  5. So what did they win?
  6. Someone was still at that? My goodness.
    607 likes this.
  7. Until next year!
    SUPERI0N, Duflet, Krysyy and 3 others like this.
  8. SUPERI0N, 607 and BlinkyBinky like this.
  9. Way to go Super10n :) #Smp2FTW
    SUPERI0N likes this.
  10. Not sure why my alt looks like steve :p

    Thank you to the awesome EMC community, and Thank you EMC Staff for an Awesome Parkour!!! :)
  11. Wait, you did it twice? :eek:
    SkeleTin007 and SUPERI0N like this.
  12. I asked the same question when the other day he fell and his response was that he was okay and hoped his alt would make the jump. Makes little sense to me to do it on multiple accounts, but he did it that way throughout.
  13. Well, I suppose you do have another chance at making each jump, and you won't have to find the correct way again after falling once.
    SkeleTin007 and SUPERI0N like this.
  14. Time for some statistics (or fun facts):

    This parkour started on the 7th of August 2016. Don't take my word for it, my full report on the festivities can be found here. And it ended yesterday (but I'm going to use Super's post as the eventual proof): 26th of November. Meaning that this parkour almost lasted for 4 whole months! :eek:

    So yeah, determination! :mad:

    Probably a bit laggy (Mojang servers), sometimes relogging can help. BUT... it doesn't take anything away from the coolness factor.

    Being a huge fan of alter-ego's myself I'm biased, but you got to admit that this adds up to the coolness at the very least :cool: What more fun way than to beat a parkour twice? ;) I also like to think that this proves that he really did it fair because he could repeat the process. If you're using a fluke or glitch (for example) then I doubt that's possible.

    So yeah: congrats Superi0n! Great work!
    607 and SUPERI0N like this.
  15. Okay, I totally think he did this legit, but I disagree with this argument. :p
    If he got lucky, sure. But some glitches are reproducible (wow, I thought it was 'reproducable'), you know...
    SUPERI0N and ShelLuser like this.