[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Oh haha, basically this room just lists what a quantity of an item would be worth, not actual jobs. Maybe we need to put up some explanation there to clarify.
    If you want you can continue with collecting poppies, but to be honest it is not very useful and I don't think we really need even more of these.
    Better to check the jobs downstairs in the job centre. Here people post what is really needed. I put up two new jobs there today for gathering wood and wool. That is what we are running low on currently.
  2. Maybe I could build a horse racetrack on the island northeast of the iron farm?
  3. Yeah, please go ahead. No reason why not :)
    Btw, the image is broken on your second post. Best to use the BBLink from Imgur to upload pics in the forums.

  4. This is the island. (The green one)
    Kaizimir likes this.
  5. Yupp, I thought so. The other one is the old sand quarry and needs flooding soon.

    There are nether connections close by you could use to make it more easily accessible. If you need some guidance down there let me know.
  6. Can I claim the "Chopping" job?
  7. Yes, that would be good. We need wood, specifically oak wood. You can use the tree farm machine north of the city wall, if you wish.
  8. Does anyone have a creeper head and/or a wither skeleton skull to spare? Its for the new horse race track.
  9. I might have a creeper head, but need to check...
  10. I have a creeper head on smp7 I just mainly need a wither skull
  11. Sorry I don't have a wither skull. But I was exploring the horse track today with Sweetcutey and it looks really promising :)
    And, btw, there was another visitor too:

    We also gave the island a name, Bow Port, if you don't mind?
    penfoldex likes this.
  12. The track will have some red stone contraptions such as a starting gate and light
  13. I didn't realize that that was Momentus! I thought it was just a zombie! I found out when I went to build today
  14. This island must be cursed or something. So after a couple tries I defeated Momentus. I continued building and the next time I went into town on a supplies run I came back and there was a Marlix. Maybe its me.
  15. Yeah, haha, that is what I said to Sweets when we visited: "Let's call it the 'Cursed Island'" But then she came up with 'Bow Port' which sounds better for a horse track island :D. Maybe we go with 'Sword and Bow Island' to acknowledge the miniboss spawn rate. Alternatively, just make it a hunting ground and call it 'Cursed Island'. Jkjk...

    Edit: Btw, there is an Edit button below your posts, if you want to add more comments. No need to make a new one for every line of text ;)
  16. If anyone has the urge to slay a Marlix feel free to unleash your rage on the one floating around Bow Port Island