Empire Minecraft 1.7.2 Update

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. well, i am sorry i didn't see it.
  2. is there any chance of the wild reset areas being reset.

    Or could part of the wild be reset? like say part of the never-ending ocean to the east in smp5. just a thought.
  3. I play on more than one server and when I log in that way my poor fingers usually have to type an extra command. I do use the server command, but it is when I am already playing on one and want to switch.

    I have to use the server selection screen anyway, so why not make that selection before I connect, instead of connecting to a server I don't intend to play on then selecting a different server with a command?

    I am set up similarly, but I thought we were trying to do better than a plain Gold block.
  4. it looks like the waste wild live map is messed up, the new one overlaps the old one.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  5. wild will not be reset
  6. It'll do that, just gotta update the chunks.
  7. #ThanksAikarYourAwesome
  8. Yeah we need to purge the dynmap files for it.
    We are, but sadly unable to do a different one per SMP unless I modify bungeecord to support it.
  9. Woahwaohwaohwoahwoah. 750k outposts??????? As in: You have to pay 3/4 of a million rupees for a wilderness base leadership thingy that was supposedly free?????!!!!!
  10. i think he means 750k blocks out in the frontier, there will be new teleport outposts.
    mba2012, jrm531 and Pab10S like this.
  11. Indeed that is what he means. *just staff confirmation to look more official ;)
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  12. Chickeneer is right *Sky confirmation to make it unofficial.
    chickeneer and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  13. Yay! 1.7! I'm gonna make a tree house base in a redwood forest! Plus, lots of free mossy cobble. :D
  14. At last, the competition for the biomes begins!:cool: Unfortunatly, I'm missing out on it for now. I gotta do whatever it takes to find the new biomes!
  15. And then!~
    Here comes 1.7.4 0-0
    But good job Aikar!
  16. Now I can go fishing all day everyday:D
  17. * The above statement is Pab approved.
    SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  18. TH¸hanks Akiar, now we are 750k blocks outposts. Now all we gotta do is head another 29,250,000 Blocks and we`ll reach the end of minecraft.
  19. Yay! Thanks, Aikar! :D
  20. All that I know about the update is that there's some streaming features and a new variant to zombies: a baby zombie riding a chicken. There's a 0.25% chance that a spawned zombie will be one of these.