Empire Community Appreciation Awards: July - December 2015

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 23, 2016.

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  1. It has been that long wow this has been a dragging week :confused:
  2. I sure bet I have a chance at winning this

    *audience laughs in the background*
  3. Good luck y'all. Good luck :D
  4. You sir, were my first thought for a nomination. I was unaware of this, or that you have won before. I have another nominee in mind though ;).
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. When will the winners be announced?
  6. In 3-4 months
    ShelLuser and fBuilderS like this.
  7. Krysyy runs the award. :p
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  8. Who said we couldn't measure aikar time if we aren't aikar
    ShelLuser and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  9. Results are tallied and will be included in the March/April Combo newsletter coming out soon.

  10. Krysyy July is almost here. Just a few more weeks. A friendly reminder of this and what time of year it is.
  11. The results have been out for a few months now :p
  12. Wait, we already did Jan1st-July1st 2016? How is that possible when it's only June 2016 now? One of us was really tired last night lol
  13. This thread is for 2015 lol
  14. Krysyy, it's July 2016! Time to start that new thread when you get a chance :).
  15. ? I thought it usually happened roughly a month after the 6 months period.
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