EMC's 2015 Time Capsule Event

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. The official 2015 EMC Time Capsule will open on December 30th, not the 31st.

    It will close again on December 31st for the 2016 year. If you do not come to pick up your items, you can request that they stay put throughout the next year. You can take some items out and leave some items in, etc. The choice is yours. More chests will be provided for any player that wants to participate. Another thread will be posted in the beginning of December with exact details about the opening jubilee and closing for next year.
    fBuilderS likes this.
  2. Does my sleepy mind miss something here, or am I just reading something wrong: What if you still want your items but forget/cant pick them up at the given times? :p
    Patr1cV and ConductorConduit like this.
  3. You can pick them up once the capsule is opened and just send us a message if you can't be there for the opening. We can move item up for temp storage into the Angel's chamber area.
    If you wish to keep your items in the capsule for the next year, or simply want to add more stuff in them, then you can do that too.

    The official post in early December will include that information.
    haastregt and 607 like this.
  4. Get Hyped
    EquableHook likes this.