Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by Luckygreenbird, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. No, you're doing it wrong...

    Galantisizer grabbed Sword's hand as he fell into the lava. His feet were inches away from the orange soup below. Sword clung on for dear life.

    "Don't let go!", Galantisizer managed to spit out, tears welling up in his eyes. "Never let go, Sword".

    Sword held back his tears.

    "Galantizer, there's something I need to tell you", he said. "Something I've been meaning to tell you for awhile".

    "It can wait!"

    "No, it can't!", Sword said using a tone he had never used before. "Galantisizer... I... I love you".

    Galantisizer wiped the tears off his cheeks. "I love you too", he said, as if he had been hit on the head with a hammer.

    "You have to let me go", Sword whispered.


    "You have to!"

    Galantisizer looked away, nodding his head, acknowledging his partner's inevitable demise.

    "Ok...", Sword muttered. "Have lots and lots of babies".

    Galantisizer nodded once more, and wept. He let go. Sword was gone, burnt to a crisp at the depths of the lava.
  2. BurgerKnight likes this.
  3. STORY TIME WITH DAH CARROT (good for your eyesight)

    So, as the normal on EMC, ElfinCarrot and Kyle/SSRC/The guy wit 17 alts were hanging out in the underground Batcave-esque series of tunnels they dubbed The Clubhouse. They were currently hiding from ElfinPineapple because they had just recently stolen his prized pet sponge that he for some reason put square pants onto and frequently shoved in his stomach. But then, a series of pig ninjas burst through the walls of the Clubhouse, attempting to eat the giant living carrot. Kyle and Carrot were about to get swarmed when Snoop Dogg and 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt burst into through the wall as well and ran over the ninja pigs in a Cadillac. Carrot and Kyle got in and the gang drove though and out of the Clubhouse, flying off into the sky as the jet rocket boosters on the back of the car started up. Meeting up in the middle of the Sky with The A-Team and BATMAN who were riding a dragon, they raced off to go vaniquish evil. The end.

    Still better than a John Green Book.
  4. Empire Minecraft Short Story

    One day, a new player joined SMP8.
  5. This thread has changed my life. I don't know if I can say it has changed it for the better, though.
    Kephras and BurgerKnight like this.
  6. FDNY21 and Myself has been heavily shipped
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  7. Smp8 Productions Presents... Kicking the Chin. Based on a true story.

    One Day on Smp8, there were many players.The End
    RainbowChin joined the game
    RainbowChin: is there an event going on?
    EnderMagic4: no
    ItsMeMatheus: yes
    EnderMagic4: rly?
    Random smp8 player: does anyone sell wood planks?
    ItsMeMatheus: Its called kicking the chin
    RainbowChin disconnected from the game

    (I'm sorry I can't remember the actual players who said stuff after this but here it goes..)
    ShyGuytheGamer: LOL!
    DubChef: lol
    EnderMagic4: lol
    AverageWalrus: get rekt
    RainbowChin joined the game
    RainbowChin: :(