[Denied] One Last Time (OLT)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wonderwoman_16, Oct 26, 2015.

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  1. HelloKittyRo likes this.
  2. I am in dismay over how uncomplicated and straight forward the staff and players have been yet there is still confusion I just don't get it...
    Finalysm, Baradar67, LuckyPat and 2 others like this.
  3. What I've seen from other threads:

    • 5k away from the EMC spawns.
    • 1.5k away from unestablished player builds.
    • 3k from other established outposts (each gets 1.5k radius)
  4. As posted just above, it's 5K from EMC outposts, and 3K from any player creations.
    HelloKittyRo likes this.
  5. I did not see this thread before it was edited. Was this outpost's name originally Last Light Outpost or some other name with LLO as the initials?
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  6. Late Light
  7. I don't see anything in the rules about naming restrictions. The only rules I expect should apply would be general rules like, no profanity, and nothing that insults or makes fun of anyone.

    I have one of the earliest Outposts and it has "The" in the name It would be silly to expect that I have any sort of copyright on it. You have the same initials and one word the same. I don't understand the fuss nor do I expect that anyone has the right to deny you use of that name.

    It does sound like you need to understand the rules though. Not naming rules, but where and how to establish.
  8. It seems like you always want a PM.. Whenever somebody proves you wrong you say stuff like "Can you send me a PM about it?" -_-
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