Delta Team And Empire Guild, Merge.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by copherfield, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. I just think in the end why? I think we all deserve a reason to why it was put this far?
  2. Well, just a question ( not trying to defend anyone here ) why did you guys let him join if he was creator of 'the empire guild'?
  3. T-shack was one of the original people to helped bitfed then T-shack decided to do his own thing and left Bitfed. I'm not sure on why he returned, i think he wanted to help? I'm not 100% on the reason.
  4. Can any of those moderators that helped you guys appear over here, please?
  5. Dark_liz was one of the moderators i imagine, but as you can see shes offline.
  6. I'm not going to get into all of the details in a public setting, but I'll summarize some of the situation. Since he's a member of your delta team, you and your membership have some right to this info.

    tshack235 was formerly part of our community, Newland. We have asked him to leave our settlement, but he is staunchly and angrily refusing. His disregard for our rules, and disrespect toward the community as a whole, have propelled this whole situation forward.

    Some of our initial reasons for asking him to leave are:
    1. Bringing people to the settlement without consulting with the community.
    2. He has decided to live directly on top of our community storage. The building was, from the outset, used as storage, but he claims otherwise.
    3. Using large amounts of our community resources, without contributing to them. This occurred both before and after being removed from the community.
    We tried a number of times to resolve these issues peacefully with him, but he has so far refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing on his part. Initially, we merely asked him to apologize and agree to follow our mutually agreed upon guidelines. After his indignant and repeated refusals, we asked him to leave, and have offered to help him in the process. Thus far, he has refused every request and offer.

    Since it's public info if you /p his name, I'll reference that his conduct in our private conversation, where we, and then the mods, tried to solve these issues, has netted him a 5-day ban.

    I think that's about as much as is appropriate to post publicly, but this should give you a good grasp of the situation.
  7. Thank you for the information. Is the 5-day ban current... like staring this evening (haven't seen him post for a few hours) or a while back.
  8. This afternoon. Use the command "/p tshack235" in-game for more info.
  9. I registered on the site. What should I do with signature?
  10. Got it, Thanks Annih ;)
  11. Ok, I see your registered. Do you have the banner copherfield made for you or the link to it? If so just put the (link) in your signature box and all will be good.

    You can the one you have now if you like.

    I really like how this forum lets you center stuff. ...very nice.

    Don't forget to go to the general chat and tell us a little about yourself. ;) Sorry, just saw that you did this morning. :D
  12. I still dont have. Im a member of the old empire guild btw
  13. Is that guild active? Your talking about the one before tshack235, yes?
  14. I mean tshack's guild. the one he made with historian101
  15. Yes, that's no problem since we combined guilds. Nice to meet you. Sent you a facebook friend too.
  16. I think it would be better fun if we were enemies and had battles and fought over everything. That would be great. Like tribal wars and battle for territory.
    EukkaLyptuzz likes this.
  17. I believe I was appointed the position of General Recruiter? It doesn't say so in the thing.
  18. Joshy, due to your inactivity you are not General Coordinator, tho we can see that later on :)

    Hey bro, right now my friend is creating a tool to make the signatures easier, for now i will stop doing them till this tool if finished (too much work for me :p) Anyways, please be welcome to the Delta Team, and keep online because soon (this days) i will talk about our next meeting :)