Cookie Clicker!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Choongjae, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. 1.3 trillion CPS and have 100 prisms :p thats what leaving it running overnight gets you!
    goreman2000 and Choongjae like this.
  2. pff newbs
    2,264 Chips.
    Choongjae likes this.
  3. Pff noobs.
    250 prisms.
    Choongjae likes this.
  4. I had to start again cause my gaming PC is finally done :0
    Choongjae likes this.
  5. :eek:
    Choongjae likes this.
  6. Amateurs pffff...
  7. I leave it running over night and when I am at school. LOL
    Choongjae likes this.
  8. Hahaha that was great. You should have edited numbers in like +1
    Choongjae likes this.
  9. Something isn't quite right. Screen Shot 2014-03-08 at 7.18.20 AM.png
    Choongjae likes this.
  10. Choongjae likes this.
  11. i'm getting that too
    i think it *might* be intended
    Choongjae and 607 like this.
  12. Nope. I's the prism.
    Choongjae likes this.
  13. Please explain more clearly, head stuck in dishwasher
    Choongjae likes this.
  14. You might be obese. The prism has the icon when I don't unlock it.
    Choongjae likes this.
  15. ?
    PandasEatRamen, Choongjae and 607 like this.
  16. Oh yeah, I get ya :D And no, I'm not obese xD
    Choongjae and Leafjosiah9 like this.
  17. Oh! Can we get 1,000? 10,000? FINE I CANT STOP
    Choongjae likes this.
  18. Easy way to break ur mouse
    Choongjae likes this.
  19. Not when you have a decent mouse :)
    Choongjae likes this.