[CONTEST] EMC Theme Build: 'Summer'

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Incorrect, you need to supply a link. Try googling minecraftworldfile.com...
    I think that is what it is called. Etho does his on there.
  2. Ok to clear things up,
    1. Get your submission out of your minecraft saves and put it on your desktop.
    2. Download winrar. (Got it skip this step)
    3. Make a new winrar archive (same way you make a new folder)
    4. Put your wold inside of it.
    5. Goto media fire (free)
    6. Upload your world.
  3. Or get a free google account and upload you world to google drive, even easier!
    minemanluke and 607 like this.
  4. I don't think you actually need winwar. The file explorer in windows can make zips for you easily.
    607 likes this.
  5. Or a google acount
  6. All I did was compress the file so I could upload it. I used 2shared to upload. Its pretty simple
    607 likes this.
  7. What is my world download file?
  8. What do you mean? Your world download file is the file containing your world.
  9. oh i can't find it
  10. Its in .minecraft under 'saves'
  11. Or if you are on a mac, same thing, but as minecraft, not .minecraft
  12. Time to upload my world! I hope the judges will like it!
  13. Don't see my donation! :oops:
  14. Don't worry, it doesn't appear right away. She usually does it in chunks.
    Luckygreenbird likes this.
  15. K , TY :)
  16. It's in your appdata, under the .minecraft, saves folder
  17. To be exact: %APPDATA%
  18. Not really that exact. The folder itself is not called %APPDATA% not in windows 98 at least. But %appdata% might work when executing via the start menu, so that's good too :)