[closed] 15 DCs of Lava Buckets!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Carduus_Benedict, Jan 14, 2024.

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  1. And Cancepabys and BrenJone fall back, leaving Diamond and Tommy to battle it out! Are they out, or merely taking a breather?
  2. 8888r ... im back
  3. not for long... 9004r
  4. And BrenJone falls to fourth as Diamond and ....is that? It's Cancepants, from the rear! Going strong against Diamond!
  5. And Tomvan seems to be struggling as the contestants race around the bend, lagging behind just ahead of BrenJone! But Diamond seems to be holding steady as they approach the final stretch.
  6. And wouldn't you know it, Diamond wins! Diamond wins, with a bid of nine-thousand and four roo-pees!

    I'll have the signs up today, pay at your convenience.
    DiamondGamerGurl and Kryarias like this.
  7. just paid, let me know in game or on this thread where to pick up :)
  8. Go to /v 3353 on SMP2, take the shop teleport, then look for the sign by the fishtank that says auction pickup.
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