Chest Art

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by cadgamer101, May 29, 2015.


Is this fun and interesting "art" ?

Yes 127 vote(s) 81.9%
Not Sure 18 vote(s) 11.6%
No 10 vote(s) 6.5%
  1. No problem.

    Also, if you look through this thread, there is some nice Chest Art from many players, including animations, and where multiple DC's were spliced with photo editing, like above.

    I hope someone can top/beat my spliced Diamond Armor Chest Art (challenge).

  2. Ill make a whole stop motion animation later if you want
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  3. search up lenny face and just copy and paste it lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  4. I just realized that only my alt has done this art. Time for work.. ;)
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  5. That's nice...
  6. You can use single player creative mode for just a picture of Chest Art :)
    607 likes this.
  7. 10/10 Top kek
  8. This is my 1000r entry.

    It's not much, but I made a starting mud hut.

    607 and cadgamer101 like this.

  9. I wish I had had a starting mud hut with such a door! :eek:
  10. I made one in a hopper where I had netherrack surrounding Yellowstone does that count.
  11. Glowstone not Yellowstone.
  12. Ok, just post a picture of it, here.
    The link in my signature has more info and instructions, thanks.
  13. I'd like to give this a go as well
    cadgamer101 and _Ulti like this.
  14. Made some chest art for ya.
    cadgamer101 likes this.

  15. Aikar stick figures
    For viewing at my second res, 16197
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.