Cards Birthday Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Cardman142, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. 64 if you can :p

    Q: If a unicorn and pumpkin got into a fight who would win?

    Q: Would you ever let google choose a name for you?
    CloverOcean and Cardman142 like this.
  2. I would have to say the Unicorn would win because i'd end up eating the pumpkin seeds.
    I would not let google choose my name because it would give me the worst name.
    CloverOcean and TheKutesyKiraboo like this.
  3. About 26 spots left
  4. The number 53 looks great to me.

    And as for my question: If you could create a promo that could do anything, what would it be and what would it do?
    Cardman142 likes this.
  5. Woo! Congrats Card!:)
    What's your favorite holiday?
    And I'll take 55 please.
    Cardman142 likes this.
  6. One of my heads that if you wear it, then it spills lava on your head.
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  7. Hey wolf :D EDIT: I'll give ya 56 ;)

    My favorite holiday would be Christmas.
  8. Well... I seriously need to know more about my friends :/
    Happy Birthday Card!

    Question: Would you be a Mallard or a Duck?

    Question: Can you choose a random number for me?

    Question: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toosie pop?

    Question: Which are better... Mallards or Toades?
  9. Had to do a report on this once XD. Wasn't fun. Tounge gets very tired after a while:p.
    Cardman142, _Devuu__ and Gilixnub like this.
  10. I would rather be a duck.
    I'll give you #12.
    More than 1.
    Mallards because they aren't a frog and toades seem to be evil.
    Gilixnub and _Devuu__ like this.
  11. What is your favorite EMC event to go to?

    and number 14 please :)
    CardInAction likes this.
  12. Ducks for Life
  13. I would say any event where EMC drops items
  14. when you are on the wrong account >.<
    FalloutHood55 and jossytheninja like this.
  15. Stop going on the wrong account nub
    Cardman142 likes this.
  16. Bump! 750 views... that's insane. I just wanna thank everyone who has entered so far :D
  17. #33 cause Illuminati
    also what is your favorite Cardinals Player
    Cardman142 likes this.
  18. Prob Paul Dejong