[AUCTION] 1 DC of Quartz Blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by harpyLemons, Oct 20, 2017.

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  1. Huh? Why is this auction only at 75k? Make that 80k. :)
    UltiPig and Harp4Christ like this.
  2. Hehe, thanks.
  3. Whew, thought I was gonna have to outbid myself there for a while, Thank guys. I don't know that I could have taken a DC of Quartz Blocks for 75k in good conscience. ;)

    I was also contemplating offering more to Harp4Christ if I did win :)

    Anyways, to make this a legit comment, let's boost it up again some...

    100k :D
    TomvanWijnen and Harp4Christ like this.
  4. Thank you so much, I was really getting worried it would stay at 15k. :D
  5. 125k
    Harp4Christ likes this.
  6. *BUMP* Come on folks!
  7. -note to self- 34.5 hours remaining
  8. 10 hours left as of a little more than half an hour ago.
  9. I don't think I ever mentioned..... I could really use some Quartz Blocks myself.....

    Harp4Christ likes this.
  10. 130 k :)
    Harp4Christ likes this.
  11. *BUMP*
    Tysm those of you who keep bumping up the price, I really appreciate that :D
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