As you guys can see

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. I was right :cool:
    cowland123, mba2012, 607 and 6 others like this.
  2. Well, Prepare for World war II again. on the bright side though, I get cheap steam games, so yeah.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  3. So... World War III or you pulling a Half Life and naming it World War II Part II
  4. Its more likely gonna be nuclear war
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  5. I always did like Fallout
    cowland123, penfoldex, Jadzz and 7 others like this.
  6. No you guys, the game is called Global Thermonuclear War, as we learned from War Games :D
    LBoss9001, LuckyPat and IsaacNorman like this.
  7. Wordl war II Episode I*
    ChespinLover77 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. This isn't how it goes.

    World War: Episode I - Britain Rising (Seven Years' War)
    World War: Episode II - The French Strike Back (Napoleonic Wars)
    World War: Episode III - Germany vs. Britain (The Great War/World War I)
    World War: Episode IV - German Vengeance (World War II)
    World War: Episode V - America Rising (Cold War)
    World War: Episode VI - (Subtitle needed) (Script still being written)

    It's a successful franchise, as you can see. They even got two spinoffs! One was called 'The Troubles' (weird name for a British-Irish Civil War that made Britain build big walls to separate British and Irish people and deployed their army to slaughter Catholic Irish people) and the other is called 'The War on Terror - Part 1'. A Part 2 is slated for release 'eventually'.

    I think I may have just pretty much just spat on the deaths of like, 200+ million people at once... oops.
  9. Seems legit...
  10. how can people joke about war?
    Terminator908 and OriginalScuf like this.
    1. Find a war, or multiple wars.
    2. Realise how absolutely pathetic wars are.
    3. Make a joke.
    4. ???
    5. Profit.
    Gawadrolt, 607, NathanRP and 3 others like this.
  11. So you are saying that the people that died in the wars had pathetic lives? that kinda insults the ones who sacrificed their lives for their country, for their home...
    Terminator908 and OriginalScuf like this.

  12. No, hes saying that wars themselves are pathetic. The people who died in them are cool, but the leaders who decided to provoke them aren't.

    Anyways I'm going to see if a bombing in the US could affect me in Vancouver, then possibly find a fallout shelter if the answer is yes.
  13. Not what it seems like...
    Terminator908 and Tuqueque like this.
  14. RIP America it will never be the same again:(
  15. save me a space ill be up there in 3 hours
    AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH likes this.
  16. I don't need one, turns out nuclear fallout blows east, so if Seattle gets bombed I'll be good
    In what way? It reads as "wars are pathetic", not saying anything about the people. I would agree that wars are a terrible way of solving things, but I also believe that the soldiers who fight for their country (especially those who fight for a country that tries to stop conflict) are very courageous and honourable.
  17. To me it does, too!
    SoulPunisher's doing some nice - carrot, forgot the word. Oh well: It might seem like he's degrading war a little, but that isn't because he think they were insignificant; I think it is because they don't deserve this much fear and attention, for how stupid they are.
    AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH likes this.