Answer above post question!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Jakres, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. EDIT: Noooo! We messed it up!

    Okay, in response to abp2k8, Witchcraft.

    In response to t6ler, a derpy octopus potato.

    And now,

    How did we just mess this up?
  2. Because The Internet.

    Anyone have a better question than this one?
  3. Yes this one:

    What do you do when a endangered animal eats endangered plants?
  4. uuuummmm somthing...
    kirk or picard?
  5. Kirk.

    PewDiePie or Tobuscus?
    DogsRNice likes this.
  6. (only jay2a read this) both are right by the way lol
  7. Pewds is too fabulous for Toby. Although I'd watch both, I watch him more.

    Anyone watch Hockey?
  8. Yes. DUH!

    Would you rather have the power to grow and shrink or 1 billion dollars?
  9. The power to grow and shrink.

    Wii or Playstation 3?
  10. Atari.
    What is?
  11. Nothing. Have You seen the Movie true lies?
  12. First time hearing about that.

    Can you ignore this question? Blabalbalbal. Can you? Say yes or no.
  13. Question not recognized
    One of the questions attached to this post has malfunctioned, and Kephras does not recognize it. For assistance in solving this problem, click this message.

    Why are half the questions in this thread about potatoes?
  14. Because they are funny and yummy.

    Do u like stone bricks?
  15. No, I like Smoooooth stone.

    Where am I?
  16. on EMC
    what would happen if Pinocchio said his nose was about to grow?
  17. It will grow

    Why Aikar is ruining the economy all time?
  18. thats a bit old
    But if it grew surely he wouldnt be lying so it wouldnt grow?
  19. It would

    Why justinguy never plays emc?