Alpha Squad! - Registery Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Alpha_Squad_Base, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Because this has come up many times I'll make a thread both here and on the Alpha Squad site about how to set the badge as your signature :)
  2. *Bump, just for new members*
  3. Yeah we really need to get more active as a squad :) also for anyone who is interested we now have anew position available to be an events organizer to keep the squad exiting and together please PM me if you would like more information about it.

  4. I would not like to "officially" join the clan... however I would like to be a contract builder who builds for this clan only, but wiht a paid contract..... If you need credentials.... I have none..... If you need proof..... I have none..... But... If you wish for proof- take your current builder- and put them against me in a 1 on 1, timed, resource controlled build, and I'll prove better than the rest...

  5. I sent my form :p
  6. Don't bother. I've supposedly been an assistant builder for nearly a month now and I still haven't even been granted build permission. They obviously aren't in need of any extra help as far as building goes.
  7. The Alpha Squad is still growing, at the moment we are all trying to set up our wild bases - then we will get to work on the base. We are also setting up our member basis and remember to check the Alpha Squad website often.

    -Alex, Senior Moderator for Alpha Squad.
  8. Could i have 2 positions? if not, could i join?(and the same if yes)