300 days of believing in the EMC frontier

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by kevmeup, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. A big part of griefing in the wild isn't just breaking blocks. Sure... that's a big issue, however placing blocks where they don't belong is another big part. For instance, in the public iron farm on smp5, one of the "favorite" issues I discovered was people would come and block up one of the golem drop shoots. This would slow down the rates for those using the farm legitly BUT would give a dedicated and "private" source of iron to the person blocking the tube.

    Another issue is straight up theft at farms. Yes, we can lock chests. However, there need to be hoppers running into said chests from the collection point of the farms. Even if we make it where players can not break blocks, nothing is stopping a person with mal intent on placing their own chest directly under one of the hoppers leading into the storage system (hoppers drop items down first then to the direction they are pointing)... or pulling items directly FROM the hoppers in storage system.

    A potential fix for this, potentially why not create a new class of residence; "wild res". Players can buy this with tokens. It follows the same rules as town in terms of derelict policies. If a player goes derelict, the protection wears off, once the protection wears off, it follows the same rules that we currently have in place.
    Salmatic and Markethan13 like this.
  2. I personally agree that protection would be best and that the derelict policy should be similar to the town policy.
  3. Poll created: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/poll-what-upcoming-feature-do-you-desire-more.57718/
    Well with the upcoming measures to help reduce griefing, you can wall off the areas so people can't even get into the mentioned spots to do these things.

    That's exactly what "Land Claiming" is, but we have to design it with long term sustainability in mind.
  4. also we would have a more relaxed policy in the Frontier.

    As I've said in other places and in the past, we're adding more outposts to the Frontier...
    And to make it even better, we're doubling it up! There will be a "Far North West" for example. This is going to give us TONS of room to support players setting up empires and keep from sitting on top of each other.
    cadgamer101, Gawadrolt and kevmeup like this.
  5. Does that mean the design phase of the "Land Claiming" feature is not even finished?
  6. We know overall concepts, but final details always change over time, so it will be fine tuned when thats the actual current focus.

    I can't concentrate on designing fine tuned details for one update when I'm focused on another.

    Those level of things come when you're implementing and testing and SEE "oh thats going to cause this issue, or make that difficult".

    so, the overall concepts and such I know, then when we implement, figure out the best exact #'s
  7. The temp griefing proofing about placing a wall around your base, can/does this include doors?
    For example my witch farm. It is walled all the way to bedrock and glassed on top with a trap door leading to a ladder down. Will that trap door prevent people access?
  8. Breaking would, its a "design block", but I don't think we need to go as far as opening them... Then were starting to implement Residence features all over again.

    But ultimately: We will not implement anything, in no better way to say it "half-assed".
    We're about quality here. I promote the fact that our Features are stable. I will not release something in a hacked up fashion just for quick results and be stuck supporting something in an undesired state.

    I want to put in quick small measures that alleviate most of the pains that can hold people off until the main system is in place.
  9. I thought that staff members were not allowed to have or be a part of an outpost?
    carolmoss likes this.
  10. That was something that was never really enforced,and I officially got rid of when I took over EMC.

    Case in point - I was one of the first players to be a part of the whole "Settling in the wild" movement, and then I was invited to staff and still kept running my outpost :p

    We just ask that staff members get another staff member to handle any controversial issues revolving an outpost they are a part of to ensure no bias.
  11. Galantisizer I'd already established them prior to becoming a staff member :confused:
    Galantisizer likes this.
  12. This actually used to confuse me quite a bit.

    My understanding was staff could be in outposts (e.g. ISMOOCH in the Pazzo Empire) but not in 'clans', with that latter rule presumably originating from the roleplay groups set up by Fluffinator etc. which then beefed and left ICC with the mess to clean up.

    Correct or no?
  13. There's no difference in the 2, same thing really. Mods are players, and can play EMC the same way the non staff do.
    JesusPower2 and 72Volt like this.
  14. Current policy:

    Staff may play and be a part of anything a normal player would be a part of. HOWEVER, if a conflict breaks out in that outpost or there's a greifing incident, they are not allowed to be the working moderator for the investigation. That job must go to someone who is not a part of the situation to maintain non-bias. In extreme cases, if multiple mods are involved, etc, we have either myself or Senior Staff handle it.

    We'll never limit the moderators' abilities to be normal players.
  15. You might not, but I sure will, with my grief reporting every 5 minutes...
    Lol, thank you for all the work you do mods :)
    carolmoss and ThaKloned like this.
  16. Thanks for clearing this up; I was under the impression that a staff member was unable to create one due to biased punishments for griefers, or that they had to give ownership of their current one to someone else or something or other. But now I know. :)
  17. Back when I joined, there weren't any outposts, as things couldn't be built in the wilderness for long periods of time due to resets. Instead, there were clans, who moved around a lot. Some helped out 'independent' players, some just did whatever they wanted. I was kind of a part of one I founded with a school friend who introduced me to EMC (Djozane) and AlexHallon (we stayed in one place, though) :p

    From what I can remember, they grew quite controversial and got into fights with eachother. JustinGuy then announced there would be no more wilderness resets (just the area around spawn), and permanent settlements began to appear - these were outposts. They were pretty much wiped out by the end of April-May 2012 :p