Comments on Profile Post by BenCannoli

  1. synth_apparition
    Congrats! :D
    Aug 11, 2015
  2. CadenMann
    Congratumalations. Meet me in Canada if you ever need a job killing some moose or draining the trees of their maple syrup.
    Aug 11, 2015
  3. BenCannoli
    Yes Comrade Commander Caden! We shall use the power of the Potato Curtain to achieve mighty victory in the proving grounds of Canada. Our enemies will be faceless after they see us. They will explode of such fabulousness... Oh, and Yes! I love maple syrup.
    Aug 11, 2015
  4. AverageWalrus
    Hooray! Congratulations on not being part of le Army!
    Aug 11, 2015
  5. BenCannoli
    Thanks... It is indeed a good thing. I'm a pacifist... So I don't wanna join an institution that was made for War.
    I mean the army is good. They help a lot of people... it's just that they make you part of it whether you want it or not.
    Aug 11, 2015