Comments on Profile Post by jkjkjk182

  1. jkjkjk182
    I am not a supporter of harassment of any kind, but being critical of others is not harassment.
    Jul 6, 2015
  2. Mrlegitislegit
    This status triggered my triggers
    Jul 6, 2015
  3. Huckleberry24
    Wait, did something happen with a player?, cause you can't blame the overall country :P
    Jul 6, 2015
  4. jkjkjk182
    Jul 6, 2015
  5. Gawadrolt
    The US is having the same problem. Everyone wants to "get their feelings hurt" so they can feel important.
    Jul 14, 2015
  6. synth_apparition
    Has that already come into effect? I would have expected Queen Lizzie to actually want to go through with that. Then again, during her 60+ year tenure as Queen of the Commonwealth Realms, she has only denied one law, and it was in Australia >.>
    Jul 14, 2015
  7. synth_apparition
    *wouldn't have expected
    Jul 14, 2015