Comments on Profile Post by synth_apparition

  1. synth_apparition
    The only thing making this worse is that the same man who appointed this man as MOE is the one who got gay marriage legalised in England and Wales...
    May 12, 2015
  2. BenCannoli
    Don't worry. The human kind also disappointed Me plenty of times.
    May 12, 2015
  3. synth_apparition
    These are Tories, not humans ;)
    May 13, 2015
  4. BenCannoli
    Thing is, the more you conserve and don't innovate the more You'll fade away. That's the case of tories. They worry so much about conserving that they lack on innovation and open minds. But as I said, they are all humans, just like me and you. And as usual the human kind disappointed Me and You.
    May 13, 2015