Comments on Profile Post by JackBiggin

  1. JackBiggin
    I mean seriously, you can mention that staff sometimes make wrong decisions here (which they do), or how a new update is completely crap without the fear of getting banned.
    Apr 18, 2015
  2. JackBiggin
    Yes, stuff gets deleted - but unless things have vastly changed for the worse since I stepped down, things are only actually deleted/redtexted if they're abusive 99% of a time.
    Apr 18, 2015
  3. JackBiggin
    It's something I've definitely taken for granted here (even when I was a mod), but seriously, spend a few minutes on Minepl0x's forums, and you'll quickly see how well you get it on EMC...
    Apr 18, 2015
  4. JackBiggin
    So please, next time there's a dramafest and mods have to delete 10 pages worth of posts (has actually happened when I was a mod... fun night -_-), or you say something dumb, bare that in mind.
    Apr 18, 2015