Comments on Profile Post by synth_apparition

  1. BurgerKnight
    Did you look right at it? Or did you have special equipment?
    Mar 20, 2015
  2. synth_apparition
    My mum had my eclipse glasses at home and used them. There was enough cloud in the sky (obvs, its England) to reduce the brightness of the sun (that, combined with the eclipse...) and I didn't look directly at it. I should be fine... :P
    Mar 20, 2015
  3. BurgerKnight
    Good, I was worried for your health there. How could you play EMC if your eyes were damaged? D:
    Mar 20, 2015
  4. synth_apparition
    Since I'm getting my glasses for my short-sightedness tomorrow, I wouldn't exactly say they're not damaged... :P
    Mar 20, 2015
  5. synth_apparition
    Short-sight is when you can't see things far away, by the way. Using my computer (although using my PS4 is a different story) causes me no problems at all, lel.
    Mar 20, 2015
  6. BurgerKnight
    Yeah, I have the same thing. I can't see anything that is far away.
    Mar 20, 2015
  7. Mirr0rr
    I am moon
    Apr 18, 2015