Comments on Profile Post by synth_apparition

  1. Krysyy
    You could be in Texas where it's 83*F outside in least you get snow =P
    Jan 29, 2015
  2. ClareMuss
    Good old British weather! Sounds like you have had the same as me! It has stopped now but according to the BBC its ment to carry on all night :(
    Jan 29, 2015
  3. Roslyn
    Welcome to the Island of Britain! Good Scotch, great whiskey, Goo- . I mean ouch that weather must be wicked!
    Jan 29, 2015
  4. synth_apparition
    They should put "most hurricanes in the world" on travel brochures for Britain :P (and also "The one country Russia seems to want to fly bomber planes over the most!")
    Jan 29, 2015
  5. mba2012
    *most tornadoes in the world
    Jan 30, 2015