Comments on Profile Post by kevdudeman

  1. kevdudeman
    Mine was 8 sleep hours and 4 hours of work
    Sep 15, 2014
  2. AlexC__
    6.5 hours, 3-ish hours continuously
    Sep 15, 2014
  3. L0RALEI
    6-7 hours of sleep, 2 hours of work
    Sep 15, 2014
  4. judc3
    8 hours, 3 hours
    Sep 15, 2014
  5. kevdudeman
    Thanks for numbers. I bet you guys are dying to know the results, so the averages were 7.15 hours of sleep per night, and 2.075 hours of work for just my classmates. With you guys added in there is 7.13 and 2.15, meaning the super small subset of Empire Minecraft that responded gets less sleep and can do more work. Interesting stuff, and thanks again!
    Sep 15, 2014
  6. 1MB
    3-4 hours sleep usually ... usually 3 hours of work (without stopping) ... or* with drink/food breaks included... i can go an entire 13 hours.
    Sep 15, 2014