Comments on Profile Post by JackBiggin

  1. Olaf_C
    To be honest, MC account linking is the only thing that interests me. The old empire shop design IMO should stay. It has become a relic to EMC. For some reason I do not care about reddit style voting, but comments sounds pretty good, as long as there is no disliking.
    Jul 10, 2014
  2. JackBiggin
    I mean the website, don't think you were around then. :P
    Jul 10, 2014
  3. JackBiggin
    You'd list your shops on it as a way to advertise. It was the best way to find stuff back in the day.
    Jul 10, 2014
  4. Olaf_C
    Jul 10, 2014
  5. _Paku
    I Remember attempting to use this thing and it was terrible lol. It was so badly done and not up to date at all lol
    Jul 10, 2014
  6. JackBiggin
    Exactly why I intend to do it in a way to prevent that. Eg: detect when reses are unclaimed, dont list specific items, etc. Comments too. :P
    Jul 10, 2014
  7. jkrmnj
    I think that would be great. I know some html/javascript/css if you need any help.
    Jul 10, 2014
  8. Unoski
    Do. It. Jack.

    Would there be multiple categories or just 1 category?
    Jul 10, 2014
  9. Jakebag
    +1. Always wanted it to come back.
    Jul 12, 2014
  10. synth_apparition
    I would use it, as long as it wasn't as clunky as the old EMC shops and looked a hell of a lot nicer.
    Aug 12, 2014