Comments on Profile Post by IcecreamCow

  1. CrownOfEgypt
    Indeed we did, I was so glad the threads made were made, as they cleared a lot of things, and in the eyes of some of the members that were more on the opposing side, you proved to them that things were going just fine.
    Feb 23, 2014
  2. IcecreamCow
    Amen, sister! : Hairflip :
    Feb 23, 2014
  3. Kephras
    For as many times as I've been told "We're listening," today is the first time in a long while where I feel I've actually been [heard]. Thank you for the opportunity.
    Feb 23, 2014
  4. Twitch1
    All the *feels* from today's emotional cleansing.... OMG!
    This is why I fell in love with and continue to love EMC on the side. ;) Thanks for being my other family EMC.
    Feb 24, 2014