Comments on Profile Post by BrickStrike

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  2. shavingfoam
    For the record, I didn't voluntarily step down from my position, but I probably would have eventually.

    ICC: Saying that there's no 100% correct way of doing things is redundant. You might as well as say that the sky is blue. This kind of tone strikes at the heart of my discontent. To me, it sounds like someone who doesn't want to deal with the issue, or doesn't believe it's an issue at all.
    Feb 25, 2014
  3. shavingfoam
    Btw, doesn't it strike anyone as funny that a thread inviting people to be open about their opinions would get censored? I guess I'm the only one who finds this strange.
    Feb 25, 2014
  4. Xinn
    Opinions are one thing, being a jerk is another. this isn't the first time theenigmaparadox has been a complete jerk. Nearly every time I have seen him post in a thread, he is rude and insulting.
    Feb 25, 2014
  5. IcecreamCow
    We have to make tough decisions as moderators shaving. It was clear to us that if you were ever approached with a situation that involved players being insulted by other players, you wouldn't be comfortable with stopping it. You were arguing that we should allow him to insult people because he was just 'venting'.
    Feb 25, 2014
  6. IcecreamCow
    This is 100% the wrong way to deal with things, which is why the moderator position simply didn't work out.
    Feb 25, 2014
  7. shavingfoam
    I guess my main complaint is how staff didn't seem to make a big deal out of it. It was as if it's something they do on a regular basis. And, the fact that they demoted me because of my unwillingness to agree with them seems to help prove my point. We're a community. You don't throw someone in jail just because they're jerk. If that were the case, most of my bosses would be gone haha.
    Feb 25, 2014
  8. IcecreamCow
    I'm sorry shaving, but this is incorrect. We tried to explain to you in great detail why we did it and how it's not a regular thing. You were ignoring the parts you didn't want to hear. Almost every staff was trying to explain it to you.
    Feb 25, 2014
  9. IcecreamCow
    But, you were honestly only hearing the parts you wanted to. We did our hardest to work it out with you, but you made it clear that you didn't plan on enforcing the rules that the EMC community knows and follows.
    Feb 25, 2014
  10. shavingfoam
    Guess I forgot to drink the Kool-Aid. :P Thank you for sharing your views in this wall post, ICC.
    Feb 25, 2014
  11. JackBiggin
    I think as my time as staff, ignoring requested deletes/edits, and auction threads, I've perhaps deleted... 5 offensive posts.. and edited a few more than that.

    It's really not as a common of a thing as last night perhaps made it seem. It's only ever done when something directly breaks the rules... which enigma's posts very much did.
    Feb 25, 2014
  12. JackBiggin
    In fact, the staff team as a whole have been told multiple times to only delete/edit when it's absolutely, which is what happens.

    We're a family friendly server that accepts no rudeness. Therefore, we have no regrets of editing out obviously rude parts of posts.
    Feb 25, 2014
  13. IcecreamCow
    We only serve high quality punch and pie sir. I believe you went to the wrong meeting. D:
    Feb 25, 2014
  14. Cchiarell6914
    Lol. Teh cow made a funny :3
    Feb 25, 2014
  15. BrickStrike
    Just read through this, might add Good Job for standing up against it! I thought it is a bit odd and could have been handled differently.
    Feb 25, 2014
  16. BrickStrike
    The whole thread thing with enigma looked in the end more of a win/lose thing. A loss for enigma as he couldn't get his point across more respectively,
    Feb 25, 2014
  17. BrickStrike
    and a win for the mods with that post Jack made saying "We moderated enigma" or something to that assort. Maybe a possible temp ban on site for a week would have been better :/
    Feb 25, 2014
  18. IcecreamCow
    I'm sorry brick, we have younger people here. There is no need for them to see the horrible slanderous things enigma was writing about others. It's something that comes with maturity and experience, so I understand everyone might not get it from an outside view, however.
    Feb 25, 2014
  19. IcecreamCow
    Also brick, this again comes with experience. You suggest a temp ban. What do you base that off of? Tell me the history you know about enigma that you based that time frame off of that we as staff are able to see?
    Feb 25, 2014
  20. BrickStrike
    Well, I understand that yes it was the best thing to do at the time, but as a server maybe a different solution could be found the next time something like this happens. :3
    Feb 25, 2014
  21. IcecreamCow
    It was the best situation for that instance. enigma has a LONG history. The punishment fit the history of his behavior.
    Feb 25, 2014
  22. IcecreamCow
    This one one reason not everyone can be a moderator. It's easy to see things in black and white as you are for most people, but in moderation there are 100 different things you have to look at for each person and they're all different.
    Feb 25, 2014
  23. BrickStrike
    As for the temp ban, the time frame comes based off the fact that he was being absurdly rude (Not that blind >.>), however I believe that people will calm down after a certain amount of time and hopefully apologize to the community. Think about it, banning people won't solve the problem, only time will, but we need patience for that ;)
    Feb 25, 2014
  24. Deathtomb8953
    maybe if it was first time offense it would of been a temp ban or atleast a chance for an appeal. When you've been on the last thread of your rope for aslong as some one like that, you cant explode like and not expect action being taken
    Feb 25, 2014
  25. BrickStrike
    Ah Ok. Had no idea that he had previous problems. That changes my opinion a bit then :P
    Feb 25, 2014
  26. lameidl
    I agree with ICC there are 100 different little things about every person that you have to look at when being a moderator. BUT everyone should still be entitled to their own opinion about things. And on a side note I just got 38 alerts...
    Feb 25, 2014
  27. BrickStrike
    Try getting 40 from this and the trophies lol xD
    Feb 25, 2014
  28. IcecreamCow
    Exactly correct lameidl. As you can tell from the rest of that thread, we are very open to opinions, even if it's against what we do or have done. Just keep it non-personal and non-attacking.
    Feb 25, 2014
  29. Cchiarell6914
    Feb 25, 2014
  30. Gibabyte
    Wow. Just got on and had like 60 alerts. :p
    I do agree with you cow. But it is the interwebs! D:
    Feb 25, 2014
  31. LukaiWarrior
    I guess it is suitable if they break the rules / are excessively being a jerk.
    Feb 27, 2014
  32. wisepsn
    I would like to put some views into this. No, I do not agree on how shaving was talking about egnima, because EGNIMA was actually being rude and deserved his punishment. What I agree with shaving is how mods delete and edit "sprangly". Sometimes I got on threads and click on a quote, and in the quote it might have said something that was wrong, but wasn't nessicarly bad, but it was deleted.
    Mar 2, 2014
  33. wisepsn
    People on an another profile wet talking about the member nfell2009, and in the comments some of what they were talking about was deleted or edited. If you ever try as criticize a staff member/server, you will get censored. It is not fair, and this is like real life.
    Mar 2, 2014
  34. wisepsn
    Sometimes you have to worry that if you say the wrong thing about the server, you get spurs on, or a staff member makes a thread, or you get called "childish." Just yesterday, someone made a post with [username], and they were not abusing it. They're post was DELETED. That is why I call censorship.
    Mar 2, 2014
  35. Xinn
    The [username] stuff should be deleted if it causes issues because 1. Not everyone knows about it and it confused a lot of people. They were trying to figure out what they had done wrong and why they were blamed for something. 2. It causes spam, because as stated in point 1, people were trying to figure out why they were being blamed for stuff.
    Mar 2, 2014
  36. Xinn
    Staff don't edit things to be trolls, they edit the things that need to be edited because this is a site for people 13+ and in the rules it states no rude posts, no profanity, names don't need to publicly be posted when you think they may have caused an issue.
    Mar 2, 2014
  37. Xinn
    Staff aren't sitting there waiting to attack you for something. He wasn't edited for criticizing staff, they don't censor you for criticizing staff, they censor your posts for being outright rude and attacking people.
    Mar 2, 2014
  38. wisepsn
    Okay, for the [username] thing, I already SAID. That a person was not abusing it this time. Tey were using it in a reasonable post saying, "Thanks for reading [username], but it was deleted. This was an unreasonable delete.
    Mar 2, 2014
  39. wisepsn
    Now, for the nfell2009. They were actually talking about how they missed him. It was a status. They said that he seemed like a good guy. Halfway into the statu conversation, staff deleted some of there comments and edittrd. This is absolutely taking away someone's privilege for freedom speeh, I am will never, EVER accept that.
    Mar 2, 2014
  40. The_Boulder
    Wisepsn, You only know his side of the story for Nfell. He was involved with many /reports on Emc which he instigated most of the time and caused a lot of interior drama within many groups. Also we don't hover the forums over players to just edit their post for LOLZ. Only time I have changed a post or title of a thread when requested by a Player or a post was breaking the rules or wasn't PG-13.
    Mar 2, 2014
  41. The_Boulder
    What EGNIMA was doing he know and been warned many times by staff to clam down and respect fellow members and staff. We like having cool headed debate about the community but that player lives on drama and will create it if he can. Another thing Players saying "Staff is always watching us"...
    Mar 2, 2014
  42. The_Boulder
    This is a lie.. We only watch players who have been reported by another player until everything is settled then go on with are day. Honestly I don't have time to be a "NSA agent type" i like to play and help out players and if that's something bad in eyes of players then I should be more harsher and less human to players for now on.
    Mar 2, 2014
  43. 1MB
    One thing I personally don't like the staff to do is do 'cover-up' deletions or edits ... When this occurs, generally a bunch of players already saw the posts... and when it's removed or edited, it makes players start to question the staff's intentions - which isn't always a good thing.
    Mar 2, 2014
  44. 1MB
    One of the main things for this that I noticed is when staff are demoted, players are demoted, or players are banned ... I believe it to be better for posts to remain the same (maybe censored if need-be) and players know what happened (within reasons) than for rumours to spread.
    Mar 2, 2014
  45. The_Boulder
    Rumors are going to spread what we do its human nature. We remove his post because he was insulting players which isn't allowed and keeping it there gives vibe that you can to talk to players like that without any punishment. If a player starts insulting because they want too and trying to cause drama within the community. They lost their right to be a member on Emc. .
    Mar 2, 2014
  46. The_Boulder
    We give members many many chances to straighten up but in the end some just want incite drama on Emc
    Mar 2, 2014
  47. MR2R2M
    . <---- The end of the debate :P
    Mar 3, 2014
  48. wisepsn
    Well I believe I issue an apology, because not everything I said there was right. I was getting feed nonsense. The thing is, I get scared when I am trying to express opinions on the empire or its politics, because I don't want to accidently say the wrong things and get banned, which is probably what most people would be thinking. Thanks for clearing stuff EMC staff. and shaving, hope to see you up to the future.
    Mar 4, 2014
  49. IcecreamCow
    One thing I can promise you wisepsn, is that you will never be banned for expressing your opinions or concerns to me personally as long at they are legitimate. I've run communities since 2007 and it's one of my spoken rules that people should never be afraid to do so.
    Mar 4, 2014
  50. IcecreamCow
    A few players recently have confused 'expressing their opinions' however, with slander and insults and did earn themselves bans. Some players went as far as to attack me on a personal level by spreading lies about me as a person (above and beyond EMC type stuff).
    Mar 4, 2014
  51. IcecreamCow
    As long as you keep things clean and respectful, your opinions and thoughts on EMC and how to improve it are 110% welcome in my inbox. :)
    Mar 4, 2014