Oct 26, 2011
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Adelaide, Australia

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Venerable Member
, Male, from Adelaide, Australia

No longer distributing my heads or signed books. :) May 2, 2014

    1. flash52958
      hello shaunwhite1982 i got banned for saying some things that i regret on Smp3 and i really love The Empireminecraft Server and i cant live without them so can you pretty please unban me..... im an aussie and aussies do thing for each other so plz unban me cause i didnt mean those things and he started it he being kity_kat
      1. flash52958
        plz shaunwhite1982 unban me
        Feb 16, 2012
      2. AlexC__
        Do not beg. PM an admin or the mod who banned you to appeal your ban.
        Mar 18, 2012
    2. vSKiiPz
      Hey sean, on that silk touch pick that I posted to the forums, I really didn't mean to post it? Will it be ok if I take it down? Please reply
      1. shaunwhite1982
        Sure mate, as it was only me pretty much involved in auction I don't mind too much. If there were other players involved there may have been some backlash though. :)
        I'll remove the thread from active status.
        Feb 16, 2012
      2. vSKiiPz
        Oh wow thanks a lot bro!
        Feb 16, 2012
    3. uriel155
      Another Post for no reason! :D
      1. shaunwhite1982
        Such a post deserves another reply for no reason! :)
        Feb 12, 2012
      2. uriel155
        Feb 12, 2012
      3. TheEpic5
        Jun 21, 2012
    4. brandop123
      Cya shaun.i wont be on for about a week!
      1. shaunwhite1982
        No worries mate, have a good break, let me know if you are going to be longer so I can protect your res from derelict reclamation. :)
        Feb 12, 2012
      2. brandop123
        i wont be able to get on during the time im gone so could you just do that for like 14 days just to be safe?
        Feb 12, 2012
    5. oidking
      hey shaun checking in
      1. shaunwhite1982
        Lol, all safe here. How things on your end?
        Feb 7, 2012
      2. oidking
        good nice to check in
        Feb 7, 2012
    6. Tom5005
      hello, i have been banned from Empire Minecraft and would like to be allowed back under the conditions of which i was banned.
    7. uriel155
      I'm Just posting this for no reason! :D
      1. shaunwhite1982
        Ahh, a bored poster :D
        Feb 4, 2012
      2. uriel155
        lol thats right!
        Feb 4, 2012
      3. brandop123
        lol uriel.
        Feb 12, 2012
    8. mogamary1
      getting bak on the topic, i had a quarters at krieg_wulfs place, and i hav a chest full of stuff in ther? do u think u could get it?
    9. BlackElement422
      Hi, i was "banned" from empireminecraft for using an xray texturepack, i sware, that if i can have my account back on the server , i will NEVER use it again.
    10. DarkOogaBloop
      I was out in the Nether, spamming chat because I was bored and there was nobody within 100 blocks of me (I was very lost) and the system kicked me. Like an idiot, I spammed again, just to see what happened. Now it says I have been banned from Empire Minecraft!? Srsly? How long does this ban last for? Is it permanent? For being an idiot in the privacy of my own chat am I banned forever?
    11. nightmare32808
      I need you to come look at something if you could. I bid on a Power V Enchanted Bow D1223m was auctioning off. I bid 900r, 13 hours and 49 minutes passed before anyone else bid on it. One of the rules was that the auction would end 12 hours after the last bid, I should of won correct? I'm being told I am wrong and that someone else who bid 2000r won the auction well past the 13 hr 49min mark from my bid....
      1. nightmare32808
        nevermind, it has been resolved. thank you anyway. :)
        Jan 27, 2012
      2. shaunwhite1982
        I was about to mention that d1223m is a pretty reasonable guy and then saw he had accepted your appeal almost straight away once realized, nice to see everyone getting along :)
        Jan 27, 2012
      3. nightmare32808
        Yes I know that of him as well. :) He helped me some on SMP3, his initial response just threw me off is all. No hard feelings. :)
        Jan 27, 2012
    12. thunder82597
      why does your profile pic always include women??!!??!?! PLAYA!!!!
      1. shaunwhite1982
        Lol, always the same woman, and usually because i hate getting my photo taken unless forced to, and only then with other people :P
        Jan 25, 2012
    13. uriel155
      it might be cool
    14. uriel155
      Hey shaun i Was just wondering if we could have Timber mod thats all
      1. shaunwhite1982
        Timber mod is is a client mod only sorry uriel, it would never work on smp.
        Jan 24, 2012
    15. shaunwhite1982
      Happy Australia Week everyone!!
      1. oidking and CrazyAsShinizle like this.
      2. CrazyAsShinizle
        yeahhh woo. i didnt know u were an aussie? well i am too.
        good to know theres some awesome aussies out there repping australia like u.
        Feb 18, 2012
    16. 00AA0O__69
      Hello I am here for a ban appeal,
      I realised that i was banned for flying and I have my reason,
      I use that mod on my friends server and I sometimes I activate fly,
      I do not use this for any type of gain on The Empire and I am very
      sorry that I acidentally activate this mod Sir,
      But I feel that I should be unbanned as this
      was not for any gain and it was an accident.

      Sincerelly 00AA0O__69
      1. Skilled_Creeper
        If you want to play the server safely I would recommend you get rid of the Mod and just play legitly.
        Jan 18, 2012
    17. iGrantyBoy
      hey i can get on server do u no why
      1. shaunwhite1982
        No why?
        Jan 15, 2012
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    Adelaide, Australia