Comments on Profile Post by Xinn

  1. ImParanoid
    Yeah I saw that, that guys face is freaky lol. Want me to find a picture of a panda eating ramen now? :D
    Nov 1, 2012
  2. Xinn
    Aww it didn't tell me you replied. Sure :P

    Also my friend sent me a video and I'm trying to remember if it was you who knew about Anonymous. Was wondering why the name on the vid is spelled Anonyomous.
    Nov 4, 2012
  3. ImParanoid
    Well I know about anonymous, but I don't think I've talked to you before. lol
    Nov 4, 2012
  4. Xinn
    Lol I wanna say it was in a thread. Hmm. But anyway. >.>
    Nov 4, 2012