Comments on Profile Post by farmerguyson

  1. Fred_TWK
    hopper minecart, no allays, and your problems are solved :D
    Jul 26, 2023
  2. Tuqueque
    Flying mobs path find to holes. Some blaze farm designs use this mechanic actually to get the blazes to the kill box without the need of pistons. I imagine that mechanic passed on to other flying creature’s behavior
    Jul 26, 2023
  3. farmerguyson
    True I was using hopper minecarts with 6 Sniffers then I saw someone in chat mention using allays. Now that I'm scalling up the number of Sniffers I figured Allays would be esier. I eventually want to get to 100 Sniffers but I don't know how much area they will need to wander.
    Jul 26, 2023
  4. farmerguyson
    That's interesting about path finding to holes. Since an Allay was basically put in game to help gather wouldn't you think that path finding to escape would have been considered counter productive?
    Jul 26, 2023