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May 29, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Mar 23, 2013
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Willie's Roadhouse
Watching fire

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Revered Member, Male, from Willie's Roadhouse

It doesn't seem real... goodbye, Bernard Hill. Rest in peace, King of Rohan!!! May 6, 2024

Nickblockmaster was last seen:
May 29, 2024 at 10:45 AM
    1. Nickblockmaster
      We're making batches of cookies tomorrow. Chocolate chip, Chocolate chip and M&M, Peanut butter, Sugar, and Chocolate chip pecan for my grandfather. Hoo-wee!!! Homemade cookies always put a good old hurting on meh! :D
      1. MoreMoople
        Ooo, sounds delicious!!
        Dec 9, 2021
      2. aletrisrex
        Sound delicious and healthy! Now i can feel christmas warmth via what you describe in this post. Thank to remind me!
        Dec 10, 2021
      3. farmerguyson
        Best eaten hot out of the oven but still great cooled off. Sounds like a great time.
        Dec 10, 2021
    2. Nickblockmaster
      I feel so bad for those affected by the Michigan school shooting. What is wrong with people? I just don’t understand it. . .
      1. KatydidBuild likes this.
    3. Nickblockmaster
      The Long Dark <3 Great survival adventures lie ahead!!!
      1. Nickblockmaster
        It does have some plot holes thus far and some minor bugs, but for the most part, the survival experience is instantly appealing and unforgiving. Love it!
        Nov 29, 2021
      2. SoulPunisher
        i have never been punished more severely for an error than when in that game I decided to climb down a rope onto a cliff and didn’t have the strength to climb back up, thus falling while halfway up it and breaking my ribs and legs and having to die in a nearby cave
        Dec 1, 2021
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Lol 😂 I’ve done the same!!! I didn’t know about it until I was caught right in the middle and it was too late.
        Dec 1, 2021
    4. Nickblockmaster
      Happy Thanksgiving EMC! What is the highlight of your Thanksgiving? Is it the food? The family? The best of both? Maybe... May we all celebrate this holiday in peace, giving thanks and sharing it amongst each other. Cheers!
      1. farmerguyson
        My highlight is spending time with the family. The more the merrier.
        Nov 25, 2021
      2. luckycordel
        Happy Thanksgiving, Nick! My highlight is all the above :)
        Nov 25, 2021
      3. KatydidBuild
        Agreed! to all of the above. Cheers to you and yours!
        Nov 26, 2021
    5. Nickblockmaster
      Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald had some of the most amazing jazz hits in their time!! The duo had such a beauty with their performances, and gosh what a relief they provide from all this insanity... Do we have any jazz lovers out there?
    6. Nickblockmaster
      A week ago today, my Aunt Kathy departed from this life due to CHF. At 60 years young, she and my uncle shared 43 amazing years together. Please would you keep a special prayer in mind for him and his family during this difficult and devastating loss? Thank you
      1. CardInAction likes this.
      2. MoreMoople
        I'm sorry for your loss, Nick. :( Praying for you and your family. <3
        Nov 20, 2021
      3. luckycordel
        Sorry for your loss, for you and your family.
        Nov 20, 2021
    7. Nickblockmaster
      Today marks a personal achievement! My golf swing has come a long way and now after months of practicing, I sent a golf ball out above the trees in one of my finest, and straightest shots ever! Although I’m pretty sure it’s more about distance than heights, but what a sight! 😁
    8. Nickblockmaster
      Alec Baldwin is under fire for a prop gun on set that unfortunately went awry, killing a woman (Halyna Hutchins) in the process. Man I sure hope they prove his innocence! Really like this guy, and I’m sure he’s pretty broken up about it. Really sucks!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Yeah, I heard later today what actually happened. That has me infuriated with, just how blindly and stupidly people that could of prevented it, let it lead to this. There is no excuse in it. If you aim a gun at someone, you’d damn well better know what’s going to happen.
        Oct 22, 2021
      3. Nickblockmaster
        An accident is one thing, but shooting a live round instead of a blank… are you kidding me? Someone knew what they were doing. Question is, who was that bullet meant for? That woman could’ve just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
        Oct 22, 2021
      4. Nickblockmaster
        But I agree with you, it was a completely needless loss of life, that shouldn’t ever happen. Ask anyone about firearms. It doesn’t take but a sec to check the barrel, and yet this happens. Dumb as you know what.
        Oct 22, 2021
    9. Nickblockmaster
      How is it about to be November? Are you serious right now? Man life goes by so quickly!
      1. farmerguyson and Sefl like this.
    10. Nickblockmaster
      My dogs are the cutest things ever. Every time I go to feed them, and walk away, I have to remember to turn around and tell them it’s okay to eat. Otherwise they will stand over their bowls, looking up at me, waiting patiently for approval.
    11. Nickblockmaster
      Was considering grabbing my first Xbox ever, more specifically an Xbox X series, and then I saw how everyone is taking a $500.00 console and selling them for 7, 8, even $900.00. It’s so wrong 😑, for all the people who can’t drop that much money on a console… rip!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        @Ulti Is the PS5 really good though? I’ve been with team PlayStation since the beginning. Crash Bandicoot was my childhood. These new crash games are an insult to the originals. They’ve ruined the classics. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a few great titles on PS, but overall, they’re losing it. For years they could have been ahead of competitors, but their management is not on top of their game.
        Sep 30, 2021
      3. 607
        I'm sorry, that's really frustrating. I've never had the issue myself, fortunately!
        During the first COVID-19 lockdown prices of the Switch were €100 higher than usual, but I think that was due to low stock. It went back down after a month or two, I think (I'm really not sure, as I had already got one before the price rose ;)).
        Sep 30, 2021
      4. Nickblockmaster
        @607 Yessir it is a little frustrating, but it's okay! I'll grab one eventually when the price starts to decline.
        The biggest issue around here is, nobody is keeping it stocked. And I mean how can they? The virus has people away from work, which drives production down and prices soar.
        Sep 30, 2021
    12. Nickblockmaster
      Gawsh! Learning to use Worldedit is a bit of a task at first, but once you have it down, it's sooo nice!!! Thankfully //undo is there to help you correct your errors with ease. Def would recommend, for those who enjoy large projects!
      1. 607 and MoreMoople like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Yeppers Moople! I've been hard at work on designing a massive build. Learning to use WE will continue to be a helpful investment. My friends all tell me I build too large when I really get into a build. I guess my mind just takes flight! Anything from trees to landscapes to caverns to buildings. I love it all.
        Sep 14, 2021
      4. MoreMoople
        Awesome! I'd love to see pics if you're willing to share. :)
        Sep 14, 2021
      5. Nickblockmaster
        Yeah I don't mind. I'll send you something sometime ;)
        Sep 28, 2021
    13. Nickblockmaster
      #RememberingTheFallen #9/11 Do you ever wonder what life might have been like if those people were still with us today? The struggles we could have shared in, or the dreams we could have built. One of the hardest parts is just knowing, you'll never know.
      1. Nickblockmaster
        A precious chapter lost forever.
        Sep 11, 2021
    14. crystaldragon13
      awww.. I just got your lil gift. Thanks for the thought Nick. <3
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
    15. Nickblockmaster
      My desktop is alive! Shout out to WitherDoggie for all the helpful information and coming to my aid! Last night’s test run proved to be a success. My case temperatures held stable during the 3 hours I tested for, while under idle, light, and heavy workloads.
      1. luckycordel
        Glad to hear she's up and running!
        Aug 27, 2021
      2. Joy_the_Miner
        Congratulations man! A shoutout to Wither indeed, I'm glad that he helped you find the root cause of your situation! :D
        Aug 28, 2021
    16. Nickblockmaster
      Any Pearl Jam lovers out there ? These guys have some great music. Def recommend if you’re looking for more rock/hard rock vibes.
    17. Nickblockmaster
      Taking it slow, but I’m back on my feet today and back at work, so I got that going for me. Need to keep the cash flow going you know!! 😂 Them bills don’t get sick do they?
    18. Nickblockmaster
      Got back into my laptop OS, and almost done with it. It appears the victory wasn’t without losses… I spilled some wine… though I’m quite relieved to see most of my files. Working off my backups, to get the files I lost. I should see you all in-game very soon! Take care ✌️
      1. crystaldragon13 likes this.
      2. crystaldragon13
        It'll be nice to have ya back Nick. =]
        Aug 22, 2021
      3. Nickblockmaster
        Hey hey, thank you crystal! Great to be back! See you soon 😄
        Aug 22, 2021
    19. Nickblockmaster
      Rest In Peace Olivia Podmore (24) of New Zealand. You deserved better. Her loss is our failure. I wish you had found someone, to lift your spirits up and give you strength. How can this be our reality? 😭 Why has this become acceptable? I shall never know. 😔
      1. Nickblockmaster
        All these people truly needed was someone to lean on… to feel their pain, and lift them through it… and they never found them before it was too late. I can’t. I just can’t.😭
        Aug 21, 2021
    20. Nickblockmaster
      I’ve drawn some attention with my cheesy content-2,000 likes, wuuuut! That is pretty awesome you guys! You let me reach a goal I set for myself, and I am pleased others are enjoying my fiery nature. Sorry if you got roasted in the process, I seem to have that affect on people lol
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        I’ve been Katy bombed! Thanks for all the support! Cheers!
        Aug 18, 2021
      3. Impaxis
        It is good that I'm always here to put you back in your place! <3
        Aug 19, 2021
      4. fadedmartian
        congrats my nooby friend
        Aug 19, 2021
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    Willie's Roadhouse
    Watching fire