Comments on Profile Post by Silken_thread

  1. Nickblockmaster
    Originally it was simply a lack of socializing skills with people, but that has slowly come together with experience. It now has turned into worry and stress, that the work I do isn’t good enough for the customer. I know, people that care enough, go above and beyond, but even then we are criticized for doing our best. It’s not a very good feeling when someone is displeased with the work you did.
    Oct 16, 2021
  2. Kledoe
    I have a major fear of failure or not performing up to standards. I work in a daycare so having the highest standard of care is essential.

    I've cried more than I care to admit, lol.
    Oct 16, 2021
  3. Silken_thread
    I understand that Nickblockmaster, I learnt long ago to stop trying to please people, just focus on your work and doing your best. Some people canbe unreasonable.

    Kledoe, I have worked in care and understand the emotional commitment youhave to give, and the expectations of people, I am sure you do a great job like me it's self belief you need to work on.
    Oct 16, 2021
  4. Kledoe
    Yeah, teachers get burnout a lot. I mean, I'm only an assistant but I have quit a job on the spot before (Thankfully I got another job like five days later....).

    Another big thing is imposter syndrome too. Like you feel less capable than you actually are. I have people tell me all the time I am doing fine but like in my brain I'm like "That's a lie!!"

    But I continue to work on it of course. Improving every day.
    Oct 18, 2021