Comments on Profile Post by DaybreakerMC

  1. naMrorriM
    Yeah that ending was just awful. I'm glad Sound Of Metal took a couple awards, wish Wolfwalker could have won best animated but Soul exists, didn't really care for Nomadland. Glad Another Round won something too, I tried to keep a 0.05 to atleast somewhat enjoy the rest of the show :P
    Apr 26, 2021
  2. SoulPunisher
    The Oscars and Grammies deserve need to be put to like, an immediate end. They’re both so incredibly bad.
    Apr 26, 2021
  3. DaybreakerMC
    @naMrorriM I think if Wolfwalkers was nominated last year it could've beaten Toy Story 4 (which already had a weak lead in the category. It's a shame it had to be against Soul. I love both movies but they'll almost always pick Pixar, which sucks. If Soul had lost it'd still be remembered for ages, but a win for Wolfwalkers would've meant so much for the film's legacy
    Apr 26, 2021
  4. DaybreakerMC
    Also, I was pretty satisfied with most of the wins. I loved Another Round winning. The Father getting screenplay was amazing, and Mank upsetting in cinematography was well deserved. I loved Nomadland so I'm happy with its BP win, and also awesome to see Chloe Zhao win director
    Apr 26, 2021
  5. DaybreakerMC
    Just embarrassing they shaped the entire show around awarding Chadwick Boseman at the end only for Hopkins to win and not be there. This is why Best Picture should always be the last award, AND why the producers should know who won if they're gonna base everything on one winner
    Apr 26, 2021