Comments on Profile Post by Dreacon78

  1. qu3sti0n
    Well thanks for your service
    Jun 25, 2018
  2. Big__Kev
    Your service is appreciated by many.

    Though can I ask, is it common for ex service men and women to join local law enforcement agencies? I ask this, as in Australia it is common. Just unsure if it is common in other countries
    Jun 25, 2018
  3. Dreacon78
    Some military people do join various kinds of law enforcement, especially if they did that a lot while in the military.
    Jun 25, 2018
  4. Big__Kev
    That's fair. I wanted to join the military police, though I chose state policing
    Jun 25, 2018
  5. CosmaTheWolf_
    I salute to you.
    Sep 7, 2018
  6. Dreacon78
    Thank you. :)
    Sep 7, 2018