Comments on Profile Post by PhilsHousePlant

  1. TomvanWijnen
    Ah, those weeks, ouch. You feel like being sick, but then you realise that you'd have to retake everything afterwards, so you'd rather cry... :P I had a similar ridiculous week this week, only I wasn't ill.
    Mar 9, 2018
  2. We3_MPO
    That would suck, houseplant. :(
    Mar 9, 2018
  3. crystaldragon13
    you'll get thru all that stuff and it'll be done .. the important part if that yer feeling better and you have a cleaner room! =D
    I'm glad things are looking up for ya. =]
    Mar 9, 2018
  4. MoreMoople
    Aww, that's doesn't sound fun! I hope that next week will be better! =)
    Mar 9, 2018