Comments on Profile Post by MCSaw

  1. MoreMoople
    Neat! Have fun, and stay safe! =D
    Feb 3, 2018
  2. MCSaw
    Thank you <3
    Feb 3, 2018
  3. We3_MPO
    Have fun, but stay safe! Be ready to leave or take shelter if a hurricane hits, and know what to do around a shark, barracuda, etc. I'd also recommend looking to see what sharks are safe and which ones aren't.
    Feb 3, 2018
  4. We3_MPO
    Also remember, a shark is attracted to blood and urine, and its most sensitive areas are the eyes and gills.
    Feb 3, 2018
  5. MCSaw
    Haha lol thank you though, but i am from there. And sharks are not something to worry too much abouf
    Feb 4, 2018