Last activity:
May 10, 2024
Nov 14, 2013
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A Galaxy far, far away.
Vollunteer at a food bank

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Empire Minecraft YouTube


Dedicated Member, Male, from A Galaxy far, far away.

Progress on the warehouse is slowly reaching to 100%. My IRL schedule has been very busy lately. So the only time I have to do the work on it is the week ends and a few hours during the week days. Everyone is welcome to check my progress just do /v GamemakerVIRAL-2 on SMP6. Apr 19, 2024

GamemakerVIRAL was last seen:
May 10, 2024
    1. GamemakerVIRAL
      Good morning EMC!
      1. Roslyn likes this.
      2. EMC
        Sep 19, 2017
      3. Roslyn
        Good Morning! :D
        Sep 19, 2017
    2. GamemakerVIRAL
      It's a fine day full of opportunity!
      1. ItsMeMatheus
        If you shop anywhere else, I'll have you killed!
        Sep 17, 2017
    3. GamemakerVIRAL
      Update: I'm unbanned and slowly getting back up to the point I was at. just a bit of advice don't take advantage of glitches like i did.
      1. Tbird1128
        Welcome back! If you need anything just ask, I'm on smp7.
        Aug 6, 2017
    4. GamemakerVIRAL
      I'm mad and also very discouraged with this server. those are my final words.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. D_ceased
        The difference here is that he doesn't have a choice... he's kinda banned for breaking a rule on EMC about 2-3 years ago that he only recently admitted to doing. ^^;
        Jul 6, 2017
      3. ShyguytheGamer1
        Ah, but what about forums?
        Jul 6, 2017
      4. D_ceased
        That I'm not 100% sure of... but, given the circumstances, if I were in his shoes I'd probably be turned away from the site too...
        Jul 6, 2017
    5. GamemakerVIRAL
      honestly now that I thought about it I wasted thousands of hours on this server and actual money. I should have just played single player...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GamemakerVIRAL
        just to clear some speculation, i did not make very much off of it. it was only like 230k. that's is not much at all so be careful how you word things please.
        Jan 20, 2018
      3. GamemakerVIRAL
        that is*
        Jan 20, 2018
      4. GamemakerVIRAL
        I felt bad that I was taking advantage of the system so I stopped
        Jan 20, 2018
    6. GamemakerVIRAL
      I have a feeling it's going to be a perma ban :/
      1. GamemakerVIRAL
        well there goes thousands of countless hours.
        Jul 1, 2017
    7. M4ster_M1ner
      It is also of big value for the community if you can help other, especially less experienced members, to avoid such temptations. You already did that with your apology. If you would like to share more in an appropriate thread you can contact me if you like - perhaps I'll start a thread.
      1. synth_apparition likes this.
      2. GamemakerVIRAL
        thanks for the offer MM. If you already made the thread then let me know. If not then I'll create a thread.
        Jun 29, 2017
      3. GamemakerVIRAL
        no thanks being perma banned changed my mind on the subject
        Jul 6, 2017
    8. M4ster_M1ner
      Did you ask for your thread to get locked? You are free to discuss what happened to you with the community. There is no rule against that.

      For the community, an apology is very welcome and valuable
      - saying that you're sorry, which you did,
      - repairing damages / returning irregular gains
      - promising that it won't happen again
      1. synth_apparition likes this.
    9. TuckerAmbr
      It took some guts to admit you had done it when it appeared you had gotten away with it. They will have to ban you. There is no choice in that. They can't let people break the rules and get away with it just because they admit they did it. But I hope that when you appeal that you can be reinstated quickly because of your honesty.
      1. synth_apparition and Ch33zus like this.
      2. Ch33zus
        What did he do??
        Jun 22, 2017
      3. TuckerAmbr
        Look at his postings.
        Jun 22, 2017
    10. GamemakerVIRAL
      I'm actually really scared right now
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GamemakerVIRAL
        jeez... what a bummer...
        Jun 22, 2017
      3. Tbird1128
        Gamemaker888, I read your thread and I'm wondering how long ago this happened? Months? A year? Longer? You didn't say in your thread. Also, are you talking to Krysyy about it?
        Jun 22, 2017
      4. GamemakerVIRAL
        I just got back from work... she has not messaged me yet. I'm really sad right now :(
        Jun 22, 2017
    11. GamemakerVIRAL
      what are the rules on posting YouTube videos on the forums?
      1. Sachrock
        what is the video about?
        Jun 6, 2017
      2. GamemakerVIRAL
        It's a screen cap of me slaying a Momentus, and giving advice on how to do so in 1 try.
        Jun 6, 2017
      3. Sachrock
        you are allowed to post that :)
        Jun 7, 2017
    12. GamemakerVIRAL
      Just woke up with a cramp in my left calf owchie
    13. GamemakerVIRAL
      It's pretty darn sunny and nice in Oregon. how's it for everybody this morning?
      1. Lady_Eliza likes this.
      2. DorianPavus_
        rain, rain and more rain for me...
        May 7, 2017
    14. GamemakerVIRAL
      Breaks over just needed a breather. :)
      1. OhMiku
        You weren't even gone a week
        Apr 30, 2017
      2. GamemakerVIRAL
        That is correct.
        Apr 30, 2017
      3. GamemakerVIRAL
        I had family stuff going on :P
        Apr 30, 2017
    15. GamemakerVIRAL
      I'm taking a break from EMC. I'm not leaving forever though.
    16. GamemakerVIRAL
      On the third page of monthly TEXP... just in case you are wondering, nether mining has it's benefits.
      1. jossytheninja likes this.
    17. GamemakerVIRAL
      Still sick, yuck...
    18. GamemakerVIRAL
      Today is not my day :'(
      1. synth_apparition
        And why would that be?
        Apr 1, 2017
      2. GamemakerVIRAL
        I'm just having a bad day today.
        Apr 1, 2017
      3. synth_apparition
        Well; here's to hoping it gets better as it goes on, and that tomorrow starts in the right way for you. :-)
        Apr 1, 2017
    19. GamemakerVIRAL
      back from the ER, That wasn't very fun :s
      1. Eviltoade likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. GamemakerVIRAL
        I had an bad aspiration and they checked me for pneumonia which was a negative.
        Mar 23, 2017
      4. Crisps4042
        :o well i hope you are feeling better <3
        Mar 24, 2017
      5. GamemakerVIRAL
        I am feeling better, thank you.
        Mar 24, 2017
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    A Galaxy far, far away.
    Vollunteer at a food bank
    I am a mob hunter for the most part and a decent builder as well, sometimes I help other players too but for a price. If you want to meet me, I'm @ /v GamemakerVIRAL On SMP6