Comments on Profile Post by poofasaurus

  1. Beacon_CW
    Have you seen the article where she says that schools should have guns in them so they can fend themselves from dangers like they do in [state I forgot] to shoot the grizzlys xD She makes me cringe
    Feb 2, 2017
  2. poofasaurus
    That comment was from a confirmation hearing in front of a Senate committee. She also became "confused" over the foundation of all special education, which is a civil rights law, during the same hearing. My states been dealing with her footprint for years.
    Feb 2, 2017
  3. We3_MPO
    I know this is super super late, but her effects on the education system and LGBT rights could be wildly devastating if she's given the chance. The latter is also part of why I think impeaching Trump (and Pence) is a good idea, and why I'm glad Doug Jones defeated Roy Moore.
    Jan 17, 2018
  4. We3_MPO
    But yeah. I'm not political either. I usually prefer not to express my beliefs around people who are likely to disagree or who I don't know what they believe, and most of the news stories I read are astronomy, geography, etc. because the political state of the world these days really gets on my nerves, and I'm not interested in much else besides science, cartography, cities, gaming, and sometimes art.
    Jan 17, 2018
  5. We3_MPO
    My motivations for playing Minecraft are to unleash my creativity via my builds, and to explore to satisfy some of my curiosity in a fictional but semi-realistic environment.
    Jan 17, 2018
  6. We3_MPO
    Sorry that I just ranted on and on. I do that sometimes if I get excited, bored, or upset.
    Jan 17, 2018