Last activity:
Jun 5, 2024 at 7:21 PM
May 30, 2012
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Arkansas, United States
Undergraduate Student

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Bronze Forum Member
, Male, from Arkansas, United States

We got power back on the 29th, but the internet is still down. I'll get back on EMC when I can! Jun 5, 2024 at 4:08 AM

ultipig was last seen:
Viewing portal index, Jun 5, 2024 at 7:21 PM
    1. ultipig
    2. ultipig
      I might reveal my project tomorrow
    3. Tuqueque
      any idea to why dufne hasnt come back?
      1. UltiPig likes this.
      2. ultipig
        I don't know. I also don't know her username, either.
        Feb 2, 2017
      3. ultipig
        I don't know where she went. She was active on here two days after she left in-game, though. Someone might have contact with her (through Steam, Skype, etc) or something.
        Feb 3, 2017
      4. Tuqueque
        Feb 3, 2017
    4. ultipig
      "I bought milk, eggs and butter" looks like "Eggs and butter (a person), I bought milk."
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ultipig
        607, my point is that using the comma isn't required, but not using it can confuse some people.
        Feb 2, 2017
      3. Hashhog
        A lack of parallel structure is not grammatically incorrect nor does it cause the confusion in Davie's example. Parallel structure is simply to improve the flow of reading, but it isn't necessary.
        Feb 2, 2017
      4. Hashhog
        I use the Oxford comma when I can, but realistically sometimes, such as in Davie's example, it does not make sense to (just as in some cases it doesn't make sense NOT to). Realistically, "Ultipig and my dog" would never be somebody's name, and thus there's no confusion in Davie's Oxford-comma-less sentence.
        Feb 2, 2017
    5. Jay2a
      1. ShelLuser, Tuqueque and UltiPig like this.
      2. ultipig
        lol. I have a screenshot that looks very similar to that. I thought you linked my screenshot for a second. also, I think the contents of that page are hidden, or the page is just empty.
        Jan 30, 2017
    6. ultipig
      1. ultipig
        well, not everything was loaded, but it still looks awesome!
        Jan 30, 2017
      2. Carbonyx
        very nice
        Jan 30, 2017
      3. Tuqueque
        Feb 1, 2017
    7. FluffeMarshmallo
      Thank you for your service! I looked at your recent activity yesterday as suggested and I was like "Man, he just edited a ton of wiki pages" and I had no idea why. Fantastic last hurrah! :)
      1. UltiPig likes this.
    8. ShelLuser
      Thanks for all your work on the contribution team, I'm honestly a little sad to see you go. Because of the 420 character limit I'll just split my comment into 2 parts. I know how specific and "picky" you were with grammar (no offense intended what so ever) and that always made you a bit special in my opinion.
      1. Tuqueque, UltiPig, 607 and 1 other person like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        I'm not sure if others saw it as well but I always noticed you looking after new pages and new edits. Sometimes I disagreed but most of the time you managed to really pick up where others (me in this case) left off (overseeing typo's and stuff), and I always liked & appreciated that!
        Jan 29, 2017
      3. ultipig
        Thanks, Shel. I think you did a better job than me as a Contribution Team member. I didn't even know you left the team until about 12 hours ago, either.
        Jan 29, 2017
    9. ultipig
      The project I've been working on should be revealed soon. Expect a thread to be posted soon about it!
      1. Roslyn
        Jan 29, 2017
      2. ultipig
        No, but everyone should get an infinite amount of something... *hint*
        Jan 29, 2017
      3. 607
        I'm looking forward to it!
        Jan 29, 2017
    10. ultipig
      I did it! I have carefully edited every single editable wiki page since yesterday (415 pages - read the comments)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krysyy
        From a first glance, not everything you changed was wrong though o.O I'll have to review the rest when I get time.
        Jan 29, 2017
      3. ultipig
        Yeah, not everything I edited was wrong, but everything I edited had something to do with making pages easier to read. Be sure to check my updates, not all 415 edited pages, though. :P
        Jan 29, 2017
      4. ShelLuser
        Although I honestly like your enthusiasm and I also know how you work(ed) I do need to stress out that quantity does not make quality. I do hope you didn't change things solely because of the change ;)
        Jan 29, 2017
    11. PetezzaDawg
      Why are all the signs in your mall gone Ulti?
      1. FadedMartian and UltiPig like this.
      2. ultipig
        lol you had me worried... they are all there
        Jan 28, 2017
      3. PetezzaDawg
        Sorry, it was a client side glitch xD
        Jan 28, 2017
    12. ultipig
      zero days
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ultipig
        look at my recent activity
        Jan 28, 2017
      3. ultipig
        look at my latest status now
        Jan 28, 2017
      4. ultipig
        well, one of my latest statuses.
        Jan 29, 2017
    13. ultipig
      one day... or just several hours
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    14. ultipig
      I just found out about the News Feed on this website...
      1. FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
    15. ultipig
      tuesday's gone. two days
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    16. ultipig
      three days
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    17. PupInAction
      "and this little pig went wee wee wee all the way home" :P
    18. ultipig
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    19. Rhyblet
      You should be asleep, Ultimamaxx
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
      2. ultipig
        Qwerty189, you should be asleep, too.
        Jan 23, 2017
    20. ultipig
      four days
      1. FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
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  • About

    Arkansas, United States
    Undergraduate Student
    Post "9H73-39wG" on my profile to get a free iron voters pickaxe
    LDCattleLady won! ^

    Post "6767" on my profile for a free iron voters shovel! This was posted on October 13th, 2020.
    Ben3400 claimed this the next day.


    I got this from the Contribution Team Members wiki page, but I also added some stuff to it.

    I joined EMC on May 29th, 2012, and I was on the Contribution Team from August 5th, 2014 to January 29th, 2017 (I have plans to rejoin). I looked at this server before I bought Minecraft... I found it in a list and wanted to choose a server that wasn't the most popular.

    What do you like to do IRL? (Updated in July 2021) I work A LOT -- 70 hours a week. My job involves helping others and I enjoy it (there is no repetition). In my free time, I play Minecraft, work on my YouTube channel, invest in stocks, etc. My social life is currently digital and asynchronous due to how often I work... however, I'm learning to day trade and will have a very relaxed lifestyle with lots of free time if that works.
    Favorite animal and why: Pigs... I have a pig skin on Minecraft — I just like them.
    Favorite website: empireminecraft.com
    Favorite thing about EMC: The friendly and welcoming community
    Favorite color and why: Green because plants are green (and some frogs)
    Favorite Minecraft feature: "Gravity" -MrGraywolf
    Favorite Minecraft block: Note block
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I would be a pig and I think I already am cause of my skin. heheheheh
    Favorite music: I like older music (America, Bread, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Bad Company, etc.) and classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Mussorgsky, Brahms, Erik Satie, Fryderyk Chopin, Franz Liszt, and many more).
    Pets? My household has two cats, a dog, and a parrot.
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? Taste... a huge portion of "taste" is smell, so it would just be a slight downgrade.
    Favorite cookie: Oatmeal
    Favorite quote: Philippians 4:13: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
    If you could meet one person, who would it be? I'd meet Elon Musk because he is an excellent engineer, businessman, entrepreneur, and innovator. wafflecoffee said this aged well, but I don't know what that means.