Last activity:
Jun 7, 2024 at 3:21 AM
May 30, 2012
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Arkansas, United States
Undergraduate Student

Official Media

Minecraft Blog
Empire Minecraft YouTube


Diamond Supporter
Bronze Forum Member
, Male, from Arkansas, United States

We got power back on the 29th, but the internet is still down. I'll get back on EMC when I can! Jun 5, 2024 at 4:08 AM

ultipig was last seen:
Jun 7, 2024 at 3:21 AM
    1. ultipig
      five days
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    2. ultipig
      /spawn = "I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe..."
      1. FadedMartian and Olaf_C like this.
      2. PupInAction
        Its a special Command that pigs cannot perform. Sorry Ulti :P
        Jan 21, 2017
      3. ultipig
        ...but I used my secret alt, who isn't in the pig family
        Jan 21, 2017
      4. PupInAction
        They know everything....-looks at Krysyy and Aikar- Everything........-spooky sound-
        Jan 21, 2017
    3. ultipig
      six days
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    4. ultipig
      seven days
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    5. ultipig
      something is gonna happen in eight days
      1. FadedMartian, Tuqueque and Tigerstar like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ultipig
        it will happen on january 27th.
        Jan 19, 2017
      4. ultipig
        it won't happen anymore
        Jan 22, 2017
      5. Tuqueque
        Why no?
        Jan 23, 2017
    6. ultipig
      that event was fun
      1. FadedMartian and Tigerstar like this.
    7. ultipig
      I learned something very important today... and hopefully, I'll learn even more important things later...
      1. FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
    8. ultipig
      I'm posting this status from my Linux-based operating system (Knoppix 7.7.1)
      1. FadedMartian, BlinkyBinky and Roslyn like this.
    9. ultipig
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
    10. ultipig
      I'm in class right now. Christmas break is finally over...
      1. Tigerstar
        Jan 17, 2017
      2. ultipig
        I posted this status five minutes before class ended
        Jan 17, 2017
    11. ultipig
      I bought six beacons; each of them were purchased for 12,289...pieces of bacon...or pig souls...or rupees...or tokens...or dollars...
      1. ultipig
        Oh, no! I spent $73,734 on in-game beacons!
        Jan 16, 2017
      2. Krysyy
        That's a question to bug Aikar about, though I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you bought it with.....moonpies!
        Jan 16, 2017
      3. Krysyy
        (the tasty dessert, not the other kind)
        Jan 16, 2017
    12. ultipig
      I've spent a total of $320 on my supporter subscription on EMC. This lasted from December of 2013 to April of 2015. Round 2 will start soon!
    13. ultipig
      "Headless Horseman's Axe..." I've never heard of it...
    14. ultipig
      Something weird happened earlier... read the comments below this status!
      1. Tuqueque and BlinkyBinky like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ultipig
        By the way, this had something to do with a copyright strike on my Canon in D note block video.
        Jan 14, 2017
      4. Luckygreenbird
        Youtube in general has had an issue with fair use and striking. No wonder Youtube heroes is disliked: little accountability in striking videos.
        You had an easy claim, fortunately. Sucks to have a video striked, but it could have been worse.
        Jan 14, 2017
      5. Tuqueque
        Well, the youtube system is funny... the same as whwn it shows 2 views and 8 likes
        Jan 14, 2017
    15. ultipig
      1. BlinkyBinky likes this.
    16. ultipig
    17. ultipig
      I now have less than a week of Christmas break left
      1. Tigerstar likes this.
    18. ultipig
      I'm building something cool...
      1. khixan and Tuqueque like this.
    19. Tuqueque
      ill pay for it, also... ehh that is the official pm so say like, "I let tuqueque do it" since is your res....
      1. UltiPig likes this.
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  • About

    Arkansas, United States
    Undergraduate Student
    Post "9H73-39wG" on my profile to get a free iron voters pickaxe
    LDCattleLady won! ^

    Post "6767" on my profile for a free iron voters shovel! This was posted on October 13th, 2020.
    Ben3400 claimed this the next day.


    I got this from the Contribution Team Members wiki page, but I also added some stuff to it.

    I joined EMC on May 29th, 2012, and I was on the Contribution Team from August 5th, 2014 to January 29th, 2017 (I have plans to rejoin). I looked at this server before I bought Minecraft... I found it in a list and wanted to choose a server that wasn't the most popular.

    What do you like to do IRL? (Updated in July 2021) I work A LOT -- 70 hours a week. My job involves helping others and I enjoy it (there is no repetition). In my free time, I play Minecraft, work on my YouTube channel, invest in stocks, etc. My social life is currently digital and asynchronous due to how often I work... however, I'm learning to day trade and will have a very relaxed lifestyle with lots of free time if that works.
    Favorite animal and why: Pigs... I have a pig skin on Minecraft — I just like them.
    Favorite website: empireminecraft.com
    Favorite thing about EMC: The friendly and welcoming community
    Favorite color and why: Green because plants are green (and some frogs)
    Favorite Minecraft feature: "Gravity" -MrGraywolf
    Favorite Minecraft block: Note block
    If you were a mob in Minecraft, what would you be and what would you do? I would be a pig and I think I already am cause of my skin. heheheheh
    Favorite music: I like older music (America, Bread, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Bad Company, etc.) and classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Mussorgsky, Brahms, Erik Satie, Fryderyk Chopin, Franz Liszt, and many more).
    Pets? My household has two cats, a dog, and a parrot.
    If you had to lose one sense, what would it be? Taste... a huge portion of "taste" is smell, so it would just be a slight downgrade.
    Favorite cookie: Oatmeal
    Favorite quote: Philippians 4:13: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
    If you could meet one person, who would it be? I'd meet Elon Musk because he is an excellent engineer, businessman, entrepreneur, and innovator. wafflecoffee said this aged well, but I don't know what that means.