Comments on Profile Post by CoryLovesYou

  1. Tuqueque
    You guys really prepare stuff very early, nice!
    May 7, 2016
  2. Roslyn
    Are you going to stream the accepted appeal process?
    May 7, 2016
  3. CoryLovesYou
    May 7, 2016
  4. Krysyy
    Player information that you may not want to be public will be included in appeals. It's why we handle things in a private conversation. A recent appeal made public only led to a prime example of why we don't make public appeals. I'd advise that you think hard about this before streaming it.
    May 8, 2016
  5. CoryLovesYou
    Understandable, I may just stream the part of me being accepted (if I get accepted).
    May 8, 2016