Comments on Profile Post by BenCannoli

  1. ElmofiedBoby
    Oh man that's gotta be dangerous. Hope you and your fam/friends r ok.
    Jan 8, 2016
  2. BenCannoli
    Police got involved, and moral effect bombs were used. Public transports were vandalized and ignited. The economic/political crisis is just raising more and more. I hope I can leave the country soon...
    Jan 8, 2016
  3. BenCannoli
    Well, I did once was hit by a rubber bullet on one of the riots as I was trying to get back home. Also thanks for the follow, have a follow back!
    Jan 8, 2016
  4. ElmofiedBoby
    Yeah, I recommend you don't use public transportation xD
    Jan 8, 2016
  5. BenCannoli
    I use the subway once in a while and I rarely enter a bus. Actually I've been in a bus (here in São Paulo) only a few times. The transport quality is really bad. Only recently they have been TRYING (emphasis on trying) to improve. But nothing.
    Jan 8, 2016
  6. BenCannoli
    Thing is people are angry because we pay A HELLUVA taxes and we get no return. Like, dude, we get so much money that we could literally become a new superpower. But corruption is just so much, that our money goes god knows where.
    Jan 8, 2016
  7. Sgt_Pepper4
    Yeah. I heard the economy there has been tanking. Low oil hasn't helped.
    Jan 8, 2016
  8. Sgt_Pepper4
    Don't buy petrobras. Buy Exxon Mobil instead:)
    Jan 8, 2016
  9. BenCannoli
    Lol, even Petrobras is now involved on corruption.
    Jan 8, 2016