Comments on Profile Post by Eclipsys

  1. haastregt
    Happy birthday!

    There is there one yearie huray! huray!
    That can you yes see that is hiiiiiim.
    That find we all so comfortable, yes yes!
    And therefor sing we happy happy happy happy!
    He living long, hurray, hurray,
    he living long, hurray huraay,
    he liiiiving long, hurray, hurray
    Dec 18, 2015
  2. haastregt
    Long shall he living,
    long shall he living,
    long shall he living in the gloria,
    in the glooooriiiia
    in the glooooooooriiiiiiia
    Hyperdepiep, Hurray!

    I did my best, (and you are dutch right? otherwise I made a great mistake :3)
    Dec 18, 2015
  3. dresden72
    Happy Birthday! You are no where near "old", double your age and then you start to feel "old"...
    Dec 18, 2015
  4. Eclipsys
    @haastregt, it says at the top of my profile: from The Netherlands, so yea xD @dresden72 thanks :D
    Dec 18, 2015
  5. haastregt
    oh... I mean uhm... I knew that!
    Dec 18, 2015