Comments on Profile Post by Olaf_C

  1. Olaf_C
    The best example is how people compare Jeb Bush to his brother's actions, and hold the entire family accountable.
    Oct 3, 2015
  2. synth_apparition
    Over here its the same, but to left-wing politicians, centre-left politicians (and parties), and the far-ish-right. The centre-right get away unscathed since their party gives lots of money and tax breaks to the one man who owns all of Britain's big newspapers. :/
    Oct 3, 2015
  3. Gibabyte
    Unless you're Donald Trump. Then you ask gotcha questions as much as people ask YOU gotcha questions. ;)
    Oct 7, 2015
  4. synth_apparition
    You also believe in giving a High School guns to give to the students >.>
    Oct 8, 2015
  5. Olaf_C
    Who was that addressed to? If it was to me, I believe highschools should offer gun safety courses.
    Oct 8, 2015
  6. synth_apparition
    Sorry. It was 7AM and I had just woken up. I wrote that in response to the Donald Trump thing. He suggested giving High School students guns to prevent mass shootings at schools, even though that was make the thing worse. You look up after hearing a gun shot, someone is dead, and one person is holding a gun. Were they defending themselves or are they killing people for no reason? You have a split second to decide.
    Oct 8, 2015
  7. ShelLuser
    Media can't be trusted either way, most outlets also have their own agenda's. Want the full story? Then listen to arguments from both sides and use that to make up your mind.
    Oct 24, 2015