Comments on Profile Post by Gibabyte

  1. Jakres
    One part is about being very anti-social IRL and I barely even open my mouth.
    The other part is that teacher who I have now expects everyone do to another 2 reviews of oh how good the music was and details about your choice of concert. She also wants us to sing a song or play instrument front of the class, again, for a grade.

    Although, my old school (basic school) had better music lessons than this one I have. ;-;
    Sep 3, 2015
  2. Gibabyte
    Well I can't argue with that.
    Sep 3, 2015
  3. Jakres
    I even prefer that alcoholic musician teacher my old classmates love to talk about it than the current one. He simply just did tests on what are the songs name.
    Oh yeah; she did that too, as a surprise test and random songs from last year I don't remember. Oh and had to describe them too -.- (something like that)
    Sep 4, 2015
  4. Gibabyte
    So what's the class like? Do you have to sing and play marimbas or is it like "listen to this music and ENJOY it." I'm not quite sure based on what you're saying =P
    Sep 4, 2015
  5. Jakres
    The class is mostly sing, listen, andwrite stuff from music book. No grades from those. Sometimes just some random things to answer/write , 2 concert reviews and play a song front of the class for grades. This is what my High school teacher does.
    Sep 4, 2015
  6. Jakres
    Back at Basic school, from 7th to 8th class we had a guy who mostly did test on songs name, and we got to know these songs before next week's test (Not like randomly a test on what are those songs name and describe it >.>)
    Sep 4, 2015
  7. Jakres
    On 9th class (Final class for Basic schools), we had pretty much similar teacher pre-7th class. Sang, played instruments, watched videos, get grades for just doing something :P No concert reviews or show of your music skills front of the class.

    Also character limit plz have mercy on us who write long texts ;-;
    Sep 4, 2015