The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. It is most likely a normal part of minecraft. The enchant level required is above 39 so, you cannot add it on. There is a way to put it on though.
  2. It just says an X, not Too Expensive. EMC did away with the expense a long time ago.
  3. Pics of your problem?
  4. That would be nice... I'm mostly upset about the heads/viruses and the sword/bow.
    Anyone want to buy a sharpness 5 looting 3 fire aspect 2 unused diamond sword?
    {EDIT} Eww... double post...
  5. Price?
  6. ok well to reply to #1. i had no problems leaving town lol and to reply to #2 intentions, ok encouragement is awesome but from what i have seen so far, this goes beyond encouraging, more so like "must" group up if you want to visit wild/waste areas and have any remote hopes of surviving there. in all due respect that's not really a choice.

    well had kinda forgot i was wearing the good armor, my stupidity really. but to be quite honest from what i've been reading it should not have been so easy for me to die being as i was wearing the really good armor. if i'm understanding this all correctly with wearing a full set of enchanted diamond armor i should have been able to survive 2-3 hits while trying to run away, am i not understanding this right?

    well unfortunately 1st forgot that i was wearing the nice armor, stupidity on my part, 2nd um tried to go back to get it and died 2 more times as these mobs do not despawn apparently which in my opinion makes trying to mine/build nearly impossible as we are forced to deal with massively overpowered mobs now that dont go away unless killed.
    actanonverba1994 likes this.
  7. So, I killed an enraged skeleton, and got three diamonds, a shiny arrow and... um... this?
    jrm531 and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. they have a chance to drop fully repaired enchanted bows with random enchantments on them.
  9. I got 3 bows like that too. Kinda OP.
  10. i think he may make it so the enraged despawn soon Diva and others.
    cause yeah this happens....
  11. yeah see that's not cool. probably nice for those who are looking to grind for all the new items but this makes my gaming experience a living hell lol. this would not be so fun for me :/ i already avoided open areas in the nether due to the ghast as i suck at using the bows, this now forces me to avoid everywhere else other then town too. i rather enjoyed going out and mining in the waste/wild on a regular basis as it was my relaxation time on emc when i wanted to get away from town.
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Hello everyone

    Sorry to be a grumpy old git when it sounds from this forum (although I haven't read all 700-odd posts) that most people are excited and happy about this update... I'm just wondering if anyone else out there is not feeling it quite that much?

    Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I've left my house three times now in the past couple of days, and each time there's been an enraged zombie or skeleton out there, and it's killed me flat within seconds - and this is me wearing enchanted diamond armour and carrying my enchanted diamond sword.

    I love a bit of adventure, but cripes, I was only going out to harvest a bit of wood. Instead I stand a good chance of losing all my stuff immediately.

    Doesn't this make the simple pleasure of building things significantly harder to enjoy? I don't play minecraft to fight zombies. They're enjoyable enough, but the focus of the game (for me at least) is crafting my home in the wilderness, not fighting for my life every ten minutes.

    As I say, not in the least bit flaming or whatnot - just wondering if there's anyone else out there feeling similar...
    mba2012, Kephras and queendiva1 like this.
  13. yep thats what i've been trying to say too :/ course just to mine i'm gonna have to spend lots of r on coal/torches to light up everything/everywhere just to mine for supplies :/
  14. Like aikar said, voting can get you 1200r a day, the average stack of coal is probaby around 100r. In one day you can 48 stacks of torches which is probably over kill.
  15. I guess it all depends on person=situation.
    Now myself, I would love to get spawns like that, I have been out in the wild for many days and have only seen so much as a Enraged Skeleton, with little drop results therein.
  16. well getting the rupees is not so much a problem for me, my point really is that in current reality 48 stacks of torches wont be much over kill when it might take that much to light up an entire area i would need to be able to mine or in tarka's case just chop trees lol
  17. I hear all these stories of people saying they die to these mobs and they cant survive blah-blah its to hard, I have been searching for the past few days for these guys and Ive just been wasting my time. So everyone can you tell me your secrets and fill me in how you keep dying!?
  18. lol the dying bit's not hard, trust me... :)
  19. well i was buried in the ground waiting for daylight in a forest biome, when i got ambushed coming back up lol, try that maybe lol
  20. Try telling that to me, I haven't come across these things, to die to them in the first place. :rolleyes: