Feb 27, 2012
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Venerable Member, Male, from UK

Oh the wonderful world of mining and mining and mining ......... Sep 10, 2024

    1. Slip_Stream
      Thanks Silken for the recent gift! Looks like from your previous conversation that you won't be on EMC that much anymore which is a bummer...

      I was hoping that you would expand your shop and have wool for sale. Anyway, have fun on tekkit and if you ever need any resources or storage on EMC feel free to ask.

      Thanks again!

      See ya around Silken.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Silken_thread
        You where one of my best suppliers so your welcome and no problem
        Sep 22, 2012
    2. mlooowe
      Thanks so much for the 100k... what was it for though?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. mlooowe
        Aww :( Silken, it's really sad to see you go, you were one of the first people I ever met on EMC! I hope you have fun on your friend's server :P
        And, I am honoured to be the proud owner of your rupees :)
        Sep 22, 2012
      4. Silken_thread
        Only some of them lol :D as I said I have a lot
        Sep 22, 2012
      5. mlooowe
        oh yeah, proud owner of SOME of your rupees :)
        Sep 22, 2012
    3. MigrantMove
      Goodbye Silken, you had the best shop on SMP6, probably even all of EMC. Will miss you very much.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Silken_thread
        opened a small shop on smp1 at 843
        Jul 24, 2012
    4. Slip_Stream
      Sad to see you go. Your shop was awesome! I'm going to miss going to your shop knowing that you would have the stuff I needed in stock. Anyway, have fun on smp1 and maybe someday we will see an even more impressive shop from you in the future! It was a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks again.
      1. Equinox_Boss and Silken_thread like this.
    5. Daffy22
      Dam, I kind of relied on your shop :(

      You've also cleaned me out of rupees too! :P
      I know you want to clear your stock out but I'd appreciate it if you didn't sell in such huge quantities to my shop because my little emc wallet can't handle it :P
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
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      3. Silken_thread
        Don't worry daffy all will be good soon, your price's are ok on most items.

        just let me know what you need i can supply or do my best to, when your ready.

        with my shop going your's will become more popular

        I am not leaving EMC just moving to smp1 and i will not have a shop, i will just supply less hassle for me.
        Jul 22, 2012
      4. Daffy22
        I'm sorry to hear you're closing your shop. :(
        Can I pm you ingame if I need anything stocking?
        Jul 23, 2012
      5. Silken_thread
        Sure Daffy but it might be better to do it on here
        Jul 23, 2012
    6. platt16
      nooo! before u go i wanna donate 1k to u since people were being rude
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Silken_thread
        no tnx platt i am good for rupees :D
        Jul 22, 2012
    7. Silken_thread
      Ok this is for those ppl that come here and want to know why i am closing my shop.
      1. THE_LEGEND4, Equinox_Boss and Gap542 like this.
      2. Silken_thread
        well this did not work :S, so I will try again.

        I got fed up of some ppls attitudes so now maybe with one less good shop they may start think about how they behave.

        i also need a break from having a shop
        Jul 22, 2012
    8. lightgear456
      closing down sale no! your shop is awesome and not as as expensive as all the other shops (not mentioning any names) i have visited your shop since it started please don't go but if you are i have put a donation chest at my res @12218 smp6
      (by the way if it is because of a holiday i understand)
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
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      3. Silken_thread
        Yes i am closing I got fed up of ppl complaining - attitudes etc
        comments such as "your rich give us a donation" "Your shop is too expensive" "your shop is a rip off"

        or complain when they make an error and buy stuff the did not want and then demand their rupees back, we all make errors thats life.
        Jul 22, 2012
      4. Silken_thread
        But an error is like clicking a sign and buying 1 or 2 of that item not 6, and well if it is you suffer the loss like the rest of us.

        I have over 4k shop sales pages way too many to go through, so if I see an error that looks like an error I do give ppl their rupees otherwise you suffer the loss like the rest of us do, because we all make errors.
        Jul 22, 2012
      5. Silken_thread
        Once my shop is closed ppl will see how hard it is and have no choice but to pay the higher prices or go to the wild and mine - oo wow that will be a novelty for some who never venture out of town lol.
        Jul 22, 2012
    9. DeadW8Woobie
      wow man, you spend all day in my shop right clicking or what? lol
      you leaving or something?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
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      3. Silken_thread
        I was not bothered with profit so I gave you 20k, though I am not giving my stuff away like last time if ppl want it they can pay or I will take it with me. :)

        I may move out to the wilderness for a while and have a break from shops completely but wee will see.
        Jul 22, 2012
      4. DeadW8Woobie
        Uhm, no, I dont have another account, I REALLY ran out of rupees.. :( 50k was about all I needed to keep my shop running, but you cleaned that all out
        Jul 22, 2012
      5. DeadW8Woobie
        and thanks for the 20k btw...
        Jul 22, 2012
    10. Equinox_Boss
      Hi, i like your name
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Equinox_Boss
        Do you like spiders?
        Jul 16, 2012
      3. Silken_thread
        I do a bit of web design and wanted a name to associate with the www or web, so I picked silken thread which spiders webs are made from and which the www was also named after because is intertwines the globe.
        Jul 16, 2012
      4. Equinox_Boss
        Jul 16, 2012
    11. The_Boulder
      yea sorry couldn't talk long had stuff to do in RL but when i was talking to you your name was purple like a admin lol
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Silken_thread
        /rc on and /rc off :D = residential chat
        Jul 15, 2012
      3. The_Boulder
        Oooo gotcha lol I know it was something like that
        Jul 15, 2012
    12. Slip_Stream
      BTW, Your shop is awesome!
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    13. Slip_Stream
      Hello Silken! Thanks for being such an awesome customer! I take it you are stocking up for other stores. How many more stores do you plan on opening!?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Silken_thread
        I am just sticking with my own, I tried opening a shop on someone else's res and I got robbed. There are not many big shops on smp6 with a lot of stock so I have been buying up stock from all 9 servers. I kept my prices high to slow down the sales at my shop also to encourage other shops.
        Jul 11, 2012
      3. Silken_thread
        Now though I have loads of stock so I reduced my prices on most items to still high but reasonable price.

        I have also set up a suppliers area at the shop and advertised on the forums in the hope that ppl start selling to me from other servers direct.
        Tnx for keeping you shop well stocked its helped me out a lot.
        Jul 11, 2012
      4. Slip_Stream
        Glad I could help!
        Jul 11, 2012
    14. MarioLuigiEpic
      Hello Silken.. It's me Mario..
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. Silken_thread
        Hello Mario
        Jun 30, 2012
      3. mlooowe
        *says in Italian accent* MaRiO!!!
        Jul 18, 2012
    15. Silken_thread
      Also worth taking a look at my shop on smp6 res number 13130
      1. THE_LEGEND4, Equinox_Boss and Gap542 like this.
      2. Carr_x
        what smp is your shop on?
        Jun 6, 2012
      3. Silken_thread
        smp6 res 13130
        Jun 6, 2012
    16. Silken_thread
      I am attempting to provide work for other players and an opportunity for them to earn rupees. For more information post msg me here.
      1. THE_LEGEND4, Equinox_Boss and Gap542 like this.
    17. Silken_thread
      I am looking at setting up a Co-operative for ppl on smp6, if your interested click here to follow me I will be posting info about it soon.
      1. THE_LEGEND4, Equinox_Boss and Gap542 like this.
    18. arth99
      ..... I was waiting for you to come on and pay you half. Do you want me to pay you now or when i next see you?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    19. Silken_thread
      You can check me out on YouTube @ TheWebtuts
      1. Matherox
        May 15, 2015
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    Silk's Mega Mall /V 13131 /Smp6 or /v +Silken

    Compare shop prices at


    Married, 2 grown children - engeneer and nurse,