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May 30, 2024 at 2:21 PM
Feb 16, 2015
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Dedicated Member, Male, from Smp2

Empire Relic moment. Feb 17, 2024

LBoss9001 was last seen:
May 30, 2024 at 2:21 PM
    1. LBoss9001
      Won't be able to get on until tomorrow, maybe today if im lucky. Windows 10 screwed over every single driver i installed, gpu/wifi included.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LBoss9001
        Going back to 7, had no problems with that.
        Apr 23, 2016
      3. ElfinPineapple
        7 is unsupported now.
        Apr 23, 2016
      4. LBoss9001
        Apr 23, 2016
    2. LBoss9001
      Got another cooler for my other pc, works like magics, now what to do with this pc...
    3. LBoss9001
      Gpu works on a 300w psu, 345MHz Clock! :D
    4. LBoss9001
      Finally got my new 4GB GDDR5 Gpu! :D Now to wait for the PSU...
      1. ShelLuser likes this.
      2. ultipig
        I can tell that you may be new to gaming computers. What is the name of your graphics card?
        Apr 13, 2016
      3. LBoss9001
        Nah Im not new, didnt feel like giving the full name. :P
        ITs the Geforce GT 740. #budget
        Apr 13, 2016
      4. ShelLuser
        So today I saw the mailman and remembered your problem, so I told him that if he had a PSU on him he'd better deliver that the US pronto! I don't think it's going to work though: he just grinned at me and told me that the US was too far to walk. Some people are just lazy! :D
        Apr 16, 2016
    5. LBoss9001
      when your pc comes back to life when you fill all the dimm... .-.
      1. ShelLuser likes this.
      2. LBoss9001
        Setup before and after: | = taken E = empty
        There are 4 dimm slots
        Before: |E||
        After: ||||
        Why u do dis
        Apr 7, 2016
    6. LBoss9001
      tfw your pc's motherboard kills itself. ;-;
    7. LBoss9001
      That nice moment when you have $200 worth of PC Scrap parts #dunk #bank'd #SmallLoan
    8. LBoss9001
      That moment when Shaders Initialize.
    9. LBoss9001
      UIL Meet today, I get there at 11am, My event doesn't start until 1:30pm. >>
    10. LBoss9001
      A lot of people say they haven't beat Ghost town, wave 666 on tf2. I can. :)
    11. BenCannoli
      Congratulations, Your profile is now Illuminati Confirmed!
    12. LBoss9001
      Yey, 365 days for me :D
      1. Shiyvah likes this.
    13. LBoss9001
      Won't be on through the weekend, Getting a tooth pulled out. :/
      1. Shiyvah and HannahEB like this.
      2. HannahEB
        Good luck, tell me how it goes, i'm getting the same done soon =)
        Feb 5, 2016
    14. LBoss9001
      Well, Old PC of mine just got a corrupt bios! Cant do anything! \o/
      1. LBoss9001
        Now time to scrap all of it for $$$'s. :P
        Jan 26, 2016
    15. Blondekid42
      Eyyyy. Lookit your phone!
    16. LBoss9001
      UIL Is done, 10/10 would fail again
    17. LBoss9001
      UIL in the morning halp meh. ;-;
    18. Blondekid42
      You sure do post on your own page a lot Brother. Hahaha Hey I got out-bid in that one auction that woulda made me broke. The seller declared a new bidder won XD
    19. LBoss9001
      Next on the DC Watchlist: Raspberry Pi 2.
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